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      DeauxChevaux replied to the thread Caravan Leisure Battery.
      Another vote for tayna.co.uk. Excellent service, 24 hour delivery and best prices. I'm on my fourth car battery and first leisure...
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      DeauxChevaux replied to the thread Caravan mover.
      One of the best places for batteries of all sorts I have found to be https://www.tayna.co.uk/ Very good prices and genuine next day delivery
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      Take care around there using a sat nav. We have just got back from Fort Picklecombe. Lots of REALLY tight lanes. Near St John we had to...
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      Yes we have used one for years and several sites we have visited require the use of one to get EHU!
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      DeauxChevaux replied to the thread Mirrors for DS4.
      Thanks guys for your advice. I have bought a set of Aero 4 mirrors and tried fitting them. They seem to do what I want. One of the sets...
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      DeauxChevaux reacted to otherclive's post in the thread Mirrors for DS4 with Like Like.
      Milenco aero or grand aero seem to be suited for a wide range of cars. Have a look at those. Milenco tech support are good to talk to.
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      DeauxChevaux reacted to JRT's post in the thread Mirrors for DS4 with Like Like.
      A family member had a similar issue with a SanYong SUV. She solved it by fixing them on the bottom edge of the housing rather than the...
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      DeauxChevaux reacted to Gafferbill's post in the thread Mirrors for DS4 with Like Like.
      .......with Milenco mirrors you will find that you will need V shaped rubber feet for a top of mirror fitting. These grip curved mirror...
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      DeauxChevaux replied to the thread Mirrors for DS4.
      Thank you otherclive, I have looked at these as a result of your lead and all the reviews/ videos of them. I think you are right and...
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      DeauxChevaux replied to the thread Car tax issue.
      I am sure that if stopped by the police and they check their records, the car will show up as taxed. Maybe I should wait until 1st June...
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      I have a 2017 DS4 which has teardrop shaped rear view mirrors. I have towed caravans for over 50 years and have several types of towing...
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