How do you like your eggs in the morning?

Apr 23, 2012
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Hello all! Sorry I've not popped in for a while, Nigel and Rob make me work very hard.
Anyway, just posted something on the blog about fry-ups. Care to have a look?
Aug 9, 2010
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Sorry, but I thought a fry-up in the morning was compulsory?
BTW, it's even better if you have a little mashed potato left from last night, then fry this with mushrooms. Delicious!
(I like mine done in Marmite, but I know that's not to everyone's taste)


Nov 12, 2009
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After spending most of my adult life driving trucks around the highways and byways of Britain I became something of a connoisseur of the cafe fry up, but alas, two heart attacks and a coronary by pass operation forced me to take note of my cholesterol levels and become a healthy eater - except when I'm away in the caravan!!!!

To this day I have either cereal or porridge for brekkers at home but after spending a weekend on a site early in our caravanning carreer when the smell of bacon nearly drove me mad because I hadn't brought any with me I resolved to find a way round the bacon envy.
I'm the breakfast chef in the caravan and I grill sausage and bacon for both of us, often outside on the gas barbie, but the eggs just have to be fried. I use olive oil and only a very small amount, and I have to make sure that there is no excessive fat and that nothing is burned because my o/h is very fussy, but she hasn't complained so far........
Aug 24, 2012
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Parksy said:
After spending most of my adult life driving trucks around the highways and byways of Britain I became something of a connoisseur of the cafe fry up, but alas, two heart attacks and a coronary by pass operation forced me to take note of my cholesterol levels and become a healthy eater - except when I'm away in the caravan!!!!

Are you joking PC Clare. Should you not be more PC
and health conscious.
No eggs or fry ups here as we don't ever want to be in Parksy's club
When caravanning what is the point in getting away in to the fresh air of the countryside or coast away from every day stress and worries and then ditching a sensible healthy diet


Nov 12, 2009
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I'm happy to say that no matter whether I'm here at home or away in the caravan stress and worries are never a part of my life. I'm lucky enough to have been able to retire early with my pension for medical reasons so I'm never in stressful situations these day

I do however make up for the occasional breakfast grill by avoiding snacks and sweets, going to the gym regularly and sticking rigidly to the healthy lifestyle at home. The damage was done a long time ago in my case, before anybody was really aware of healthy eating, and the occasional caravan breakfast can't be doing me much harm because my regular check ups at the local clinic show that my blood pressure and cholesterol levels are spot on. Every time my GP sees me around she say's that I'm looking well, and the same thing applies to Herself who is fitter and younger looking than I am even though she's 64 years old today (she'll kill me for telling everybody
Aug 24, 2012
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do re mi fa sol la ti do
do re mi fa sol la ti do
do re mi fa sol la ti do......... la la la la la la laaaaaaaa
" Will you still need me, will you still feed me,
When I'm sixty-four?"

Sounds like Parksy does on both counts Mrs Parksy

Jun 20, 2005
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Gagakev said:

Have you seen those eggs????? There only half cooked!!!!
They're perfect!!! Lovely runny yolks, sunnyside up!
No beans for me , yuk, the rest looks good, as I raid the fridge for an early morning fry up, well grill and eggs in one cal spray.
Happy Birthday Carol, feet up , and let Parksy do the work today! xxx
Oct 4, 2011
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I'm with the majority, although we prefer not to actually 'fry' anything, but prefer to use our George Foreman grill for very healthy organically produced local sausages, over 85% meat, lean bacon and then wholemeal toast, poached eggs and either baked beans or tinned tomatoes. Nothing beats eating this, sat in the awning, watching everything going on around the campsite. I have to say though, I can usually only manage this for 2 mornings as it's so filling! I then go onto my staple of 2 poached eggs on a piece of wholemeal toast. I'm not a cereal person at all! Long live the cooked brekkie


Nov 12, 2009
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Apologies for hijacking the thread yesterday when I mentioned Carole's birthday, she asked me to thank each of you for the birthday greetings.
We've put our caravan away for the winter now, so unfortunately no cooked breakfast for us until we use the caravan again in the new year.

On a brighter note I'm dropping heavy Christmas hints about a Cadac Safari Chef to do next years cooked breakfast on
Aug 4, 2004
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Parksy said:
After spending most of my adult life driving trucks around the highways and byways of Britain I became something of a connoisseur of the cafe fry up, but alas, two heart attacks and a coronary by pass operation forced me to take note of my cholesterol levels and become a healthy eater - except when I'm away in the caravan!!!!

To this day I have either cereal or porridge for brekkers at home but after spending a weekend on a site early in our caravanning carreer when the smell of bacon nearly drove me mad because I hadn't brought any with me I resolved to find a way round the bacon envy.
I'm the breakfast chef in the caravan and I grill sausage and bacon for both of us, often outside on the gas barbie, but the eggs just have to be fried. I use olive oil and only a very small amount, and I have to make sure that there is no excessive fat and that nothing is burned because my o/h is very fussy, but she hasn't complained so far........

Can't have fried eggs either so either scrambled or poached along with grilled bacon, baked beans and weight watchers sausage. I am not supposed to eat any processed foods which sort of curtails your eating habits a bit! Had to cut down on the beer drastically so now only 1 or 2 pints a week! Like purgatory. Strangely enough I can drink red wine every day if I wish.
Aug 9, 2010
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When we're at home, I don't normally have a fried breakfast, but should the urge overtake me, a brisk one mile walk to the next village gets me a breakfast in the caffe, for only £2.99, then a walk back. So I keep fit and fat!
Jan 31, 2011
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Brum said:
Willi-Wonti said:
As in the words of the song "I like mine with a kiss"
Are you working tomorrow?
Mrs Brum will be at South Road at 7.30am

I was there & waiting

We were out all night at the big fire in Oldbury Monday / Tuesday.
The heat has caused a lot of damage to the local houses & several cars
Ahh well 4 days off back on Saturday


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