How many of you form users actually buy / read the magazine?

Apr 7, 2005
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I have bought the last 5 issues and cant really see me buying anymore. I get all the gen i need from this forum!! SINK DRAINERS!!!!!!??????????
May 10, 2005
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I find PC very interesting. When I've read it I pass it on to a friend, when she's read it she passes it on to someone who sells old mags for an animal charity!

About 6 months ago (before I discovered the forum) I had a problem that I was struggling with. After visiting 3 caravan dealers/accessory shops I was still no wiser. The caravan club help line drew a blank (yes I am a member) so I wrote a letter to 3 caravanning magazines outlining the problem and crossed my fingers that someone could help. PC were brilliant. I received a very detailed and helpful response where as I received a curtious, but sorry unable to help reply from the other two!

It was shortly after this that I decided to subscribe to PC. I must admit though that having discovered the forum the magazine becomes less helpful.....but still interesting. Hving said that I still intend to keep subscribing.
Mar 14, 2005
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I subscribed to PC magazine for many years. But then I started loosing interest with some of the articles. Overseas articles are of no interest to me as I'm not planning on taking the caravan overseas. The reader tips section was just a joke, and I did complain to PC about it at the time. Didn't receive a reply. And the rest of the articles were pretty much either repeated over a period of time, or replicated in the Caravan Club magazine that we receive every month anyway. The final straw was when funds became a bit tight so somethings had to go. Sky was one (only repeat after repeat anyway) and PC magazine was the other.
Mar 14, 2005
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mmmhh the general response so far is what I maybe expected. We also have only purchased a few copies (and one was only becuase we were told we had one of our forum articles printed in the magazine). We too find the website most interesting and get most of our info from here. Maybe food for thought to the PC editors, maybe a revamp based on feedback from this site?
Mar 14, 2005
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yep i read it, along with caravan and cc mag,as you get more into vanning and forums the mags seem to be old hat,but good for the beginner though
Mar 14, 2005
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Always read it, when I can get it. Not all the forecourts sell it, means I have to go into town sometimes, which I try to avoid. Perhaps if they started placing the mag on the "top shelf" we might get a few more interested readers...only a thought ; )
May 4, 2005
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I also subscribe but find the content quite boring. By the time you take out the ads, the new caravan/towcar listings,the "how to fit something totally boring" section and the reviews by one or other of the staff taking their partner away on a freebie holiday theres only the letters page left .The CC mag is a bit better (apart from the most recent one which seemed totally devoted to motorhomes)but I find this aimed at an older age group than myself,They tend to refer to kids as grandchildren,something that PC also did a couple of months ago.I joined the CCC a few months back thinking this would be better for young families .I've received two of thier mags and think its the biggest load of rubbish i've ever read,which they seem to back up with their obsesion with recycling.The best of the bunch(by a long way) is Which Caravan which I find has plenty of reviews and interesting articals each month,and seems to be staffed by real caravanners not ones who just do it as a job,we will see if this stays the same as they change editor this month.Mind you that means theres an experienced caravan mag editor out there going spare, could be the start of something good!...Brian.
Mar 14, 2005
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I think it all depends on what you are looking for. When we first started caravanning I read practical caravan from cover to cover every month looking for tips hints and general infomation. When we wanted to change caravans I read Which caravan to get all the gen on the latest models. Now we are (fairly )competent and have got the new van i am more interested in where to go and reviews of sites I really like the new "out and about" magazine. It does have little caravan reviews etc but it is mostly reviews on sites and areas to visit both in britain and abroad. Also as we are going to France in 2 weeks for 19 nights I have been reading a couple of the "French" magzines as they had articles about the areas we will be visiting.

Apr 22, 2005
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the trouble with practical its more of less the same contents every month, same adverts,same lists of tow cars,and caravans,site adverts.dealers but what can they change..more about more dodgy deals and problem sites.every site in magazines seem perfect..we booked one in somerset,it looked lovely in the ads .when we arrived.we turned around and left straight looked more like a council tip.most of the monthlys are aimed at beginners,so its just a qick glance now at w h smiths for me now
Mar 14, 2005
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yes we do and it is always delivered a mnth early than it is out in the shops so you get to see the classifieds before joe public
Does everyone still feel like this having seen the new-look July and August issues? I'd be interested to hear your feedback on these issues as we've tried hard to cover everyone's interests and bring lots of new and refreshing content to the mag as well. If you prefer, drop me a line direct at Cheers - Alex (editor, PCV)