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May 7, 2012
Our local M&S where we can collect items from is a food hall so they could not possibly exchange anything but we have used it to order goods not in the main store further away. Not had to send anything back so do not have any details of what happens then.
We do not use Lidl a lot so have never bothered with Lidl plus.
I generally do not bother with e mail receipts, I have realised they are just a way of getting your address so they can bombard you with more junk.
Nov 11, 2009
Our local M&S where we can collect items from is a food hall so they could not possibly exchange anything but we have used it to order goods not in the main store further away. Not had to send anything back so do not have any details of what happens then.
We do not use Lidl a lot so have never bothered with Lidl plus.
I generally do not bother with e mail receipts, I have realised they are just a way of getting your address so they can bombard you with more junk.

I appreciate that aFood Hall will not be able to exchange things like clothes etc, but they will accept non food returns iaw the M&S instructions. My daughter has doe that a few times locally.

Jul 18, 2017
Our local M&S where we can collect items from is a food hall so they could not possibly exchange anything but we have used it to order goods not in the main store further away. Not had to send anything back so do not have any details of what happens then.
We do not use Lidl a lot so have never bothered with Lidl plus.
I generally do not bother with e mail receipts, I have realised they are just a way of getting your address so they can bombard you with more junk.
Generally as an incentive if you say you want a paper receipt they state that they can give you a 5 or 10% discount if you opt for a digital receipt.

As per OC no issue taking it back to a food hall however we thought that we could simply exchange for the correct size as they would have stock in store, but apparently the items in question can only be bought Online so a wasted trip to the store instead of the food hall which is a lot nearer.


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