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Mar 28, 2005
I agree with you spj 100%, I just wanted to point out to Ken that the method I would use would enable you to butt weld a bolt over the full diameter of the bolt head on the clamp no matter how recessed and shielded it was and once jigged up it wouldn't take long.

It's a tried and tested method in engineering and is used as a last resort.

I agree whether it would stand up to the torsional forces involved is questionable and as previously mentioned it's a lot of hassle and they would probably move on to the next caravan
Feb 1, 2006
Hello Big Roy,

We have already tried a very similar method using a tube closely fitting over the security bolt head.

The welding rod was applied down the inside of the tube onto the head.

This was in good workshop conditions with no time limitations.

We did manage to get weld onto the head of the security bolt, but it was unable to transmit the 88Nm torque and sheared as soon as we applied any load.

We could not achieve weld penatration into the tube due to the 90 degree angle of the rod. Ideally this should be 45 degrees.

I will send you photos of these tests if you give me your email or postal address.

We will try your method after Christmas to see if this gives any different results and will send you information to post on the Forum. (Good or Bad)


Ken Johnson


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