Hymer Car 322 - Service & Repairs

Jul 25, 2011
Now that Hymer UK - Preston have gone can anyone recommend a service facilty in the North West for the above vehicle? We are fine with basic servicing of the Fiat Ducato with a local garage but need help with internal plumbing and Webasto heating system mainly. The van is two years old and we have had no end of problems with the plumbing and heating and Brownhills in Preston have not always been very helpfull. We need someone ideally near to Chester for repairs/ servicing.
Any advice would be appreciated. Keith & Tina Cross
Nov 13, 2008
We are expecting an announcement shortly about the new Hymer dealer network and hopefully it will plug the gap in the North West.

I'd suggest however that if you have been having problems with the Webasto unit in particular that you should consider a Webasto specialist. Your nearest approved dealer is in Wrexham. It might be worth dropping Border Tacho Services a line to see what it suggests. There details can be found below.

Alternatively, email Webasto customer services directly on info-uk@webasto.com . I've also found them very helpful and it may be able to sort out your problems more quickly as someone not as used to the Dualtop system.

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