i dont believe it....2 weeks to wait


Aug 29, 2006
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been trying to book cc site for next year....first it delayed bookings from 9 am to midday.....and now they have said it will re-open its abs in 2 weeks time....i was trying to tie up with sites already booked with c&cc ....oh well...i will have to get all excited in 2 weeks time...ED
Jun 20, 2005
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I wonder what actually happened to delay the bookings programme until the 17th December? It's not like they are using Lord Hezza's ancient systems. LOL.

I wanted to book two weeks in march / april. Guess I'll have to wait.

Anyone tried booking by phone?

I really expected less bookings this season because of the credit crunch.


Jun 25, 2005
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I tried phoning the cc thinking it might be easier than booking on line. I actually spoke to a nice lady who informed me to try after 12 mid day as there was a problem with the computer system. She advised me that if things changed there would be a message on the web site. Phoned after 12, no reply, recorded message saying lines were busy to try tomorrow. Saw message on web site. I then phoned cc to ask re situation of sites already open taking bookings from 5th December as advertised. I was informed that nowhere would take bookings before 9 am on 17 December.

Lets just hope that the cc sorts its computer abs out ready for the 17th December. Its not the first time there has been difficulties once the booking systems has opened.

Jul 4, 2005
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Very Poor considering the ammount we pay for membership. Afterall the CC is not some 2 bit club it is an International Organisation.

I too had to book a day off work today just to book a couple of weeks on a Camp Site!! What sort of organsation is this.

Sorry but totally unnaceptable in this day and age. If their system didnt open for bookings on 1 day this wouldnt happen
Aug 18, 2008
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I too had one of those "working from home days".

I cannot understand why their system crashes. Its not as if they didn't know lots of people were going to log on.

I dont know why they dont allow bokkings for sites A-G on one day then H-S on another and then T-Z on a 3rd day. That would split the load over 3 days.

Oh well, 2 more weeks to wait to see if i can match sites with school hols with child care with weather with grand parents with holiday schedules at work etc etc etc. I thought holidays were meant to be relaxing!!!!


Aug 29, 2006
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hello all, not just me that was dissapointed then...fortunately i do work from home , but it was still abit of a let down... ive done it before on the first day and not had a problem...and why does it take 2 weeks to fix...how do they know this...why not 2 days ...ED


Aug 29, 2006
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hello joanne, it states on cc website no phone or post or direct booking with site until 17th...rather odd me thinks....maybe someone broke something...ED
Feb 26, 2008
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If those of you who are Members of the Caravan Club have read the first few pages this months CC Magazine, you will see that they are right in the middle of upgrading the whole of their computer system and offer their apologies for all the delays this will cause while it is being sorted out.

Computer system upgrades always cause problems and delays so lets all be patient with them. We will all end up with a better and faster system in the long run.


Aug 29, 2006
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hello paul....i havent read the first few pages unfortunately, unlike yourself. i am being patient, and i was excited,and that excitment was taken away, did it say that they were not taking bookings on the 3rd of december, as i still havent read it....regards, a very very patient and still excited about booking my holiday, ED
Aug 4, 2004
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Why does every one wet their pants just because they can't book onto a system that they overloaded. Wy should the CC upgrade their systems specifically for a period of a few days? IMHO bring back the deposit system which will prevent this booling fiasco created by members and also "no shows".
Jul 11, 2006
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Why would paying a deposit rectify the situation, the majority of people are trying to book the most popular sites at the most popular times i.e. Bank holidays, school holidays etc, paying a deposit would surely just slow the system down even more, and as for it stopping no shows how many times does the club have to say that since they stopped taking deposits the number of no shows has actually decreased before people actually listen.
Aug 4, 2004
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Quote; " how many times does the club have to say that since they stopped taking deposits the number of no shows has actually decreased before people actually listen."

And you believe them???? Have they every produce figures to back this up and as it was not monitored until only 2 or 3 years ago, how can they substantiate this remark?
Jun 20, 2005
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I really do not want to go back to the deposit system.

In the long run it required more staff to run and was imho a complete waste of Club funds.

The current system of only 3 bookings at any time, none of which can be for the same dates seems equitable to me.

Let's hope the computer update works well for all of us.

I suspect all the IT work is done by an outside firm and it is probably they who let us and the Club down rather the Club itself.

I have a big red star on the 17th on my calendar!


Dec 30, 2009
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Alan alot of people book as many w/e breaks as they MAY take for the following year and then alot of them dont cancel and are no shows. Just ask the wardens, this does 2 things

1, looses the club money from not being able to reallocate the pitch

2, even more money is lost by having week ends full through the peak season so few people can book for a whole week/2 week break.

Prahaps an allocation of w/e bookings maybe 50% of the site should be taken in advance so the club can take weekly, fortnightly bookings and say 1 month before the date fill up the site at w/e if not full from the longer stays.

Or incentivise short mid week breaks for those who can take short breaks at any time, thus leaving the w/e more free for those who can only do short breaks at w/e.

I know its a problem whatever is done. I work full time I cant sit on the phone/computer on the first day waitng to book my pitches for the comming year so have to do it when I can and guess what alot of the popular sites are full at w/e but available during the week, no good if you want a 7 noght break.

Alot of comercial sites dont take bookings of less than 3/4 nights in peak season, to maximise their revenue

Jun 20, 2005
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Hi Kevin

I fully agree with you. My real pet hate has always been the selfish week end bookers who stop me from having the full week and then never show up. This happened to us at Durham this year.

The two sites at Buxton are notorious for the weekenders. OK a weekend break should be possible but not when it stops someone else having a full week.

Maybe you are right , there should be a percentage allocation for the weekenders leaving slots for the weekers.


Jan 21, 2007
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If anyone is waiting to book in for Skegness Sands there is no need. Ring the site, they have been taking bookings for ages.
Dec 23, 2006
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Skegness Sands is an Affiliated Site and therefore bookings are done direct with the site and not through Head Office. On-line bookings are done on the sites own website.

The problem at head office does not affect affiliated sites.

Sep 7, 2006
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The CC simply do not care and are elitist. They have no regard to the stupid once a year approach and I have repeatidly told the D/G so but they simply do not want to take note or care. They seem to think they are above us members, perhaps we all ought to attend next years AGM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 7, 2006
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Why does every one wet their pants just because they can't book onto a system that they overloaded. Wy should the CC upgrade their systems specifically for a period of a few days? IMHO bring back the deposit system which will prevent this booling fiasco created by members and also "no shows".
What a stupid comment, the CC ned to move away from once a year booking release

Aug 4, 2004
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If you are so upset with them because they cannot pander to your demands, why do you renew your memership? The CC booking system is fine and nothing wrong with it except that people are too impatient!
Jul 9, 2005
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maybe they should let 4x4 drivers book first, then estate owners etc. etc, or maybe the most expensive caravan to the cheapest. would this work?


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