I think I have just driven my ultimate

Mar 14, 2005
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I think I have found my ultimate tow car a Range Rover TDV8 it is awesome. Sounds like a V8 pulls better than the 4.2 S/C OMG I'm in love!! I drove the Vogue a snip at £62K - anyone want to buy a kidney??
May 12, 2005
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Now that`s a gas guzzler, I`d love one, I always fancied the landcruiser amazon, which arch enemy Clarkson reckons is the best of them all.

thinking about the kidney, it might not be worth that much.

good luck mate Tony A.
Mar 14, 2005
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Some of the LR mags were raving about this engine in their latest issues - the summation was that petrol V8's are now redundant!!!!

As for the fuel consumption it was very good. Only negative was that despite it being a V8 the noise was still the diesel "clatter" when you wound down the window rather than that wonderful V8 purr.

But REDUNDANT ????? - Sorry but I just have to go and have a lay down.
Jul 2, 2006
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I'm very jealous. I'm not a big Land Rover fan, but if my numbers came up on the Lottery, i'd have a nice shiny Range Rover Sport outside my house,(sorry, mansion).

May 12, 2006
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I think I drive my ultimate machine a Toyota LC 3.0 D4D I smile everytime I start it up. It cruises like a dream, comfy you better believe it. Towing yes I know our van is behind us, but it will just take off on a hill or on level ground.

Can't afford the Range Rover but they do look good.

Val & Frank
Mar 14, 2005
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I thought I did too Frank a Disco3 HSE it is a fabulous car, but this new RR is something else. I had a great day in a RR Sport S/C which made an awesome sound, but 5.6mpg when messing about was scary, this new diesel is only 0.5 sec slower to 60 and 472ftlb of torque I'm going to have to get one but I think I'll wait for 12 months and get a 6 month old one
Aug 31, 2005
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Paul; As Val and Frank know, the LandCruiser Amazon is a fabulous vehicle. I think (IMHO) that mine was probably the best; a 4.7 litre V8 (petrol) which, whilst I never towed with it (as such), I can confirm that it was SO TORQUEY that I could hawl out stranded Discos and Range Rovers from the sand with ease; and so a caravan would have presented no problem for this mightly warrior!

Would I buy one again; you bet. However I cannot afford one here in UK. I paid the equivalaent
May 12, 2006
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Hi John

Our Land Cruiser is just the ordinary version not the Amazon couldn't quite afford one here. I used to drive a LC in the desert in Yemen, terrific car. I am no expert driver but one of the Americans would climb sideways up some massive dunes and then go helter skelter down the other side. Im sure he used to be a stunt man in the movies he could make the Toyota talk

Val & Frank
Mar 14, 2005
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Toyotas are very nice and great off road, but IMO have been left behind in the on road stakes. They seem to be loosing their Aussie market too, I have spoken to a lot of Aussie off roaders (particularly those that tow) that are leaving them. This in the main the fact that the new car has a max nose weight of 250kgs and aussies often tow at 300kg nose weight!!
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi Paul; so what are the Aussie off-roaders moving to then? I would agree that the LC Amazon is no sports car and doesn't handle brilliantly. Bit what does one expect (or want)?

Frank; Yemen eh? My exploits were all in Saudi but I did come within a few km of the Yemen boarder... (miss that sand !!)

Mar 14, 2005
I may be digressing a bit but if you miss driving through the desert and would like to catch up with all the latest on what's going on out there, have a look at the me4x4 forum.
Mar 14, 2005
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It would appear from the Aussie press the Disco 3 is taking a huge percentage of the market of new real offroaders in Aus. Their aftermarket companies have added extra fuel tanks etc to cope with the huge ranges they cover over there. Toyota is going to have to develop or die. This is exactly what happened to Land Rover. Heavy caravans are what the Aussies do if Toyota don't produce a car that can do it, they will look elsewhere, and with the press raving about the Disco 2 years after launch it must be pretty good. But I still would rather have the new engined RR!
Mar 14, 2005
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Looks fun, friends are out in Morocco as we speak taking part in a challenge event with their Disco3s It will be interesting to see how they get on compared to fully prepared challenge vehicles.
Aug 31, 2005
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Yes i love the Forun; didn't see too many posts from Saudi though. I understand that desert trips through the Riyadh Rover (club) remain hugely popular; ah well ......

Jun 23, 2005
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I'm in a very lucky position I suppose. I have a 53 plate Range Rover V8 and I also own a 04 plate Mitsibushi 3.2 did Warrior. Whilst without question the RR is a far better ride, it spends more time at the dealers than on the road. Its latest in car message was to warn me of an imminent transmission failure. If I had to travel into the outback believe me it would be in the shogun.
Mar 15, 2006
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I also have owned and run working Mitsubishis and Toyotas overseas and, like here, the only people out there who own Range Rovers are posers. They may look good, if you like the square shed look; but IF (and it's a big IF) RRs are selling well in Oz, it'll only be until the blokes out there find out how unreliable they are. Even the latest offerings are reckoned to break down many times more often than Shoguns and Land Cruisers. I know what I would drive if I was going out woop woop!

Mar 14, 2005
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I didn't say RRs are out selling anything. I said the Disco 3 was being turned to as Toyotas have reduced the nose weight limits on its latest offerings. As far as reliability, friends have just got back from a challenge event in Morocco enduring floods etc in the sahara and they were only beaten by the seriously tricked up challenge vehicles. The only modifications the D3s had were tyres and winches.

Did you know in the UK the RR has the highest off road use (in percentage terms) than any model bar the defender. Far more posers in Shoguns than RRs ;)
Mar 14, 2005
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To be fair Paul - I do think any Land Rover product had reliability problems in the past. Mainly due to Lucas electrics in my opinion. I was staggered at the quality of a Suzuki motorbikes electics that I restored some years ago.

In contrast LR electrics of past years have been awful. But what would I prefer? A HonSukKawaYam? or a Beezer, Norton or Triumph? No question is there!!!

However Ford have changed LR arround. As you say - it is able to now take on the competition and come out on top.

Very welcome - About Time - but very welcome.
Mar 14, 2005
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I didn't say RRs are out selling anything. I said the Disco 3 was being turned to as Toyotas have reduced the nose weight limits on its latest offerings. As far as reliability, friends have just got back from a challenge event in Morocco enduring floods etc in the sahara and they were only beaten by the seriously tricked up challenge vehicles. The only modifications the D3s had were tyres and winches.

Did you know in the UK the RR has the highest off road use (in percentage terms) than any model bar the defender. Far more posers in Shoguns than RRs ;)
The Pose quotient = the amount of superfluous chrome
Mar 14, 2005
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To be fair Paul - I do think any Land Rover product had reliability problems in the past. Mainly due to Lucas electrics in my opinion. I was staggered at the quality of a Suzuki motorbikes electics that I restored some years ago.

In contrast LR electrics of past years have been awful. But what would I prefer? A HonSukKawaYam? or a Beezer, Norton or Triumph? No question is there!!!

However Ford have changed LR arround. As you say - it is able to now take on the competition and come out on top.

Very welcome - About Time - but very welcome.
I fully agree, but I do think the tales have been over done. LRs biggest issues have been their dealers IMO. They are improving, but some have further to go than others!
Aug 31, 2005
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Once again I cannot comment about the reliability of the new range of Disco and RRs but what I can tell you is that, over eh 5 years of so that I was driving in Saudi Arabia (returned in 2004), through both rock and sand desert; the only vehicles guaranteed to break down were. you guessed it, Disco and RRs. The ONLY vehicles that people would really trust were Land Cruisers and Nissan Patrols. (Mitsubishis and other makes were not as popular).

Mar 14, 2005
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We drove a Toyota Land Cruiser from Nairobi to Tsavo and Ambaseli and many other game reserves. Wonderful beast.

Drove a Nissan Patrol in most of Southern Europe. Again tremendous ability.

But none are immune to problems. Look at the problems shown on here re the autobox on a Trooper/Monterey. Now I like being able to check all fluids before and after. Not having a dipstick on a 4x4 autobox seems a remarkably silly omission.

So I agree with Paul - the LR "problem" is overplayed - after all with sales of s/h 90's and 110's at a premium and sales of new vehicles breaking all records - the old stories of "I know a man who had one and the wheels fell off" hardly cut it when viewed alongside the popularity of the LR marque.
May 12, 2006
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Was the LR problems overplayed, due to lousy Service from Main Dealers. I know our local dealer has problems retaining top class mechanics.

Val & Frank


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