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Mar 12, 2011
JonnyG said:
But if you have good family and good friends to start with, then life cannot give you "better quality" wherever home may be!!!!
So maybe that says more about the short comings of those that immigrate for any other reason than work?
Now you are joking mate.
Are we to understand that all those that emigrate must have flawed personalities or short comings? Many who emigrate have very close loving families and friends.
Sorry mate, good family and friends does not provide quality of life or a good life style.
My parents who were English by birth and my wifes parents English and Italian would have assured you of that. My Aussie best friend who started life with close family and friends in the slums of Bombay / Mumbai would also disagree with you.


Mar 14, 2005
Well, one thing is for sure, we must have better caravan forums in the UK as I don't recall you making any posts from your home country.
Maybe you've got plenty of spare time on your hands at the moment.
Mar 12, 2011
LMH said:
Well, one thing is for sure, we must have better caravan forums in the UK as I don't recall you making any posts from your home country.
Maybe you've got plenty of spare time on your hands at the moment.
Yes, we have plenty of spare time as we are spending three years in UK and Europe apart from when we go home for Christmas.
We know our own country. Why would we post from home when we are over here?
A very friendly caravan couple recommended this and another forum at a Berkshire caravan dealers a few weeks ago. They had just returned from eighteen months touring NZ and OZ using RV's and gave us some good tips along with this using UK forums. We forgot the name of the other one they mentioned. "Practical Caravan" was easy to remember.
Aug 11, 2010
SpudDog57 said:
JonnyG said:
But if you have good family and good friends to start with, then life cannot give you "better quality" wherever home may be!!!!
So maybe that says more about the short comings of those that immigrate for any other reason than work?
Now you are joking mate.
Are we to understand that all those that emigrate must have flawed personalities or short comings? Many who emigrate have very close loving families and friends.
Sorry mate, good family and friends does not provide quality of life or a good life style.
My parents who were English by birth and my wifes parents English and Italian would have assured you of that. My Aussie best friend who started life with close family and friends in the slums of Bombay / Mumbai would also disagree with you.
HI spud, we all go by our own experiences is that not true? so here goes.
Ciao patatate, mio familia anche sono Italiano .[sorry about the poor Italian] but you see both my parents are Italian, and they would disagree.
You see England is not the slums like Bombay or indeed southern Italy of 60 years ago, so the comparison of the UK to Australia, is not the same as, poor immigrates looking for a better life, which in these cases means actually getting a life because back home there is no chance of decent employment! so your quality of life will always be poor based on struggling to make a living!
Those people who now emigrate from here to Australia these days are not in that boat.
So quality of life then takes on a different meaning and if friends and family do not come top of the list now, what does?The Sun?
Many forums Exist of Ex pats who go all over the world looking for...God knows what,[not knocking them]but normally like you they use words like "quality of life"! If its not because of work not because of friendship, then what is it?What can make you happier than having good friends and family and decent employment?
We have a place in southern Italy, my parents could if they wish retire "back home" so to speak, and why not many forums full of Brits living and buying properties there,because it is written you get a better quality of life there!
But my parents stay here! If life is really so much better [quality of life] back in Italy as you read from expat forums you would think they would jump at the chance.
But their family and friends are here, no money issues so quality of life must be OK here, otherwise they could move at the drop of a hat.
So, no i am not kidding, today is so much different to 40 or 50 plus years ago the meaning of "quality of life" has no real meaning as a comparison between places.So it must be the people who have different ideas,and having more hot sun and bbq- ing on Xmas day has nothing to do with real quality of life.
Just my opinion I am sure Australia is a wonderful place, possibly too many ex pats for my liking....
Mar 12, 2011
My wifes Itlalian father emigrated to Australia, two of his brothers and a sister emigrated to Britain. One of the brothers moved to Canada the other brother and sons moved to Sydney after visiting a few times, they found better quality of life. Elderly sister lives in Oz now as do her English daughters and their families.


Mar 14, 2005
Are you doing a tour of the UK in a caravan then spud? Are you stopping on campsites or at relatives homes in the van?.
What county are you in at the moment? (Just out of interest, there's some beautiful places to see in England).
Mar 12, 2011
LMH said:
Are you doing a tour of the UK in a caravan then spud? Are you stopping on campsites or at relatives homes in the van?.
What county are you in at the moment? (Just out of interest, there's some beautiful places to see in England).
We've been touring around the UK, Ireland, mainland Europe since 2009 and have been home three times. Two month long trips and a three week trip back home to SA Oz. If we thought that there weren't interesting and beautiful places to see in the UK I don't think we would have come here
Staying with relatives at the moment and fitting in trips to London and other tourist destinations as my wife has not been well following a bad fall. We're doing Portsmouth this week, then Aussie friends daughters wedding before we roll out the caravan again, France Belgium and Holland and WW battlefields. Ypres, Somme, Arnhem and D day beaches.


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