Mar 16, 2008
Please be careful with your personal information as to our horror we returned from holiday in France to find we had become victims of identity fraud, a loan being taken out in my name whilst we were in France. I keep recieving demanding letters from the loan company and I am worried as the amount will keep increasing with interest charges.
Has anyone else suffered in this way and what have you done about it.


Mar 14, 2005
Sorry to hear about your experience.

A fraudster tried to take a substantial amount of money out of my daughters account. Thankfully she's a student and had more or less cleared her bank account out the previous day. She was ever so upset at the time, the realisation that there's REAL criminals out there.

It was different to your case Lucky. My daughter received a phone call saying she'd won a competition, the prize being a makeover for herself and three friends. All expenses paid trip to London with hotel accommodation. (She had actually entered a similar competition months previously). The caller said he would need to take her debit card details with security number, etc, etc, so that he could verify that he was actually speaking to my daughter. Sadly, she gave him the information. Anyway, as I say, she didn't have the funds. She phoned the bank immediately as she realised she'd been silly, and the person never got a penny.

I think you should be ok in your case. You need to contact the loan company, which I'm sure you have. Good luck with it.


Dec 14, 2006
Some days after my mother died I picked up her forwarded mail - and in it were letters from several loan agencies, and the Nationwide, all of whom had mentioned her attempts to take out loans/open accounts and enclosing forms to fill in furthe details. She'd been in hospital for two or three weeks before her death. It was quite scary - and I can only presume they got her details from the Obituary notices in the paper or perhaps from some 'rogue' at the hospital. They did get her date of birth wrong, though. Quite how it was intended to defraud I'm not sure, or by whom the scam was operated, but I contacted the Fraud department at the agencies concerned, and they dealt with it quickly and without any further problems. The lady I spoke to at the Nationwide Fraud department said that it is quite a common occurrence, and that 'they have measures in place to prevent any fraudulent transactions in another person's name'. It reassured me that at least some checks are made before these things can go through and someone actually make money out of another person's name.
Oh, and I just remembered that my son had two attempts to take money from his bank account - a debited amount from some internet company. It wasn't a lot, but the amount was in dollars. It was also enough to stop him taking money from the ATM as he has a bank account where he can only get money out when he is in credit. He checked recent transactions, and then rang the bank, quoted the details, and after a few checks the money was credited back into his account on both occasions.
Friends have mentioned similar things happening to them, or to their children - usually internet-related transactions. However, on our local news someone was mentioned who almost lost their home, because someone applied to the Land Agency for their deeds whilst they were away, then used the deeds to sell the house. I'm still not quite sure how that one turned out.
It seems that quite a few of us have had some experience of these sorts of scams!
Jan 21, 2014
This evening my son phoned to tell me one of his bank cards had been cloned! Fortunately, as he keeps a careful watch on his accounts, he spotted it very quicky. The perpertrators had only pinched about £20, but no doubt it would have led to larger sums. He very quickly got onto his bank, and they have cancelled his old card, and also reimbursing him with the money which has been stolen from his account!

You really can't be too careful nowadays!


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