On a recent tv programme Quentin Wilson mentioned a plug-in device that increased BHP and reduced MPG for diesels. Has anyone tried such a thing or got any info?
O/10 to LB, Geof said "increase BHP and reduce MPG"10/10 to Brian for observation :O)
Hello there Geof ,
I have just had the DPT ( Diesel power tuning ) module fitted to my Mazda 6 diesel , after much consideration and reading up of these units . As far as I can work out , the cheap E-BAY units just over fuel the system , as cold start , so don't really improve MPG and block up/damage your injection/compression chambers within the engine .
The DPT module is a self controlling electronic box which changes the electronic injectors to suit its programme . the unit is programmed by computer when fitted to suit your own requirements . I wanted more low down power/torque so had mine programmed accordingly . my particular module is for constant injection fuel systems so can be changed to any such similar engines the only difference being the type of cable used in connecting it up . The Dutch manufacturer of these units have agents who can computer setup the module to factory instructions of your requirements . Or if you like you can self fit after telling the manufacturer your needs , and they will post the module on . Just go on the DPT website and type the necessary information in , also getting your local agent . It has improved my average MPG from 46 to 51 MPG solo and from 30 to 32 MPG towing , the only trouble is its easy to use the extra power/torque and reduce/lower the MPG . My vehicle was never a slouch but by gum does it go now . It can be tuned for low down power/torque , higher mid range power , top end speed , or shear economy . Two + years guarentee , with a cost for mine fitted of