Indoor Storage Rules

Jul 30, 2007
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Collecting our "newer caravan" on Wednesday and thought I would find out about our present compounds rules.(we have outdoor storage at present).
Chap from the workshop showed me around and its a huge,completly covered building but very dark inside.(that scuppers the solar panel then😟).
Apparently,you give them 24 hours notice that you want the van out for holiday,then same again before you return.....they move the van out,then back in.
If you wish to visit the van to clean,add/remove belongings,only workshop has the keys and you have to arrange your visit with them first.
No good to us as we occasionaly like to visit van.
Fantastic to keep caravan safe from elements(although I do realise that caravans are supposed to be designed to be outside).
Are all indoor storage sites like this with the various rules and regulations??
Mar 14, 2005
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Are all indoor storage sites like this with the various rules and regulations??

All indoor sites will not be exactly like that, but they will all have some rules. It's basically down to sites operators how they run their site, though their insurers may have stipulated some requirments.
Nov 11, 2009
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One near us stores from October to March but no access allowed during that time. Battery and gas have to be removed. Owners of the store position the caravans internally and remove them in spring.
Nov 16, 2015
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We have a separate barn storage to the main storage. So for us we do not have to remove gas bottles. We can turn up whenever we want ant thankfully the new storage is in full view behind a hedge and bund, and gates. Our in a barn is very secure, so not telling you. But if those beasts want it they will lift gates and pull out your van.


Nov 12, 2009
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We store our caravan inside a barn, but our arrangement is a private one between us and the farmer.
The farm used to have sheep, but as profits from livestock dwindled the farmer switched to arable farming, with the home pastures used for hay. Our farmer lives on site with a direct view of the farmyard entrance where his mother in laws house is.
There are no rules as such, we can come and go whenever we want to within reason.
We're very happy with this arrangement 😊
May 7, 2012
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The advantage of indoor storage has to one security. The thieves who raid storage sites will have scouted out the one they want and the security it has and come prepared. Having it in a secure indoor storage prevents this so it rules out the worst offenders in most cases.
The rules look pretty daunting though and I expect the cost to be higher so you have to make up your mind if it is worth it to you. It possibly depends on what you have. The most at risk are large twin axles, usually fairly new, and continental models of these are probably even higher risk.
Jul 30, 2007
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Thank you Raywood.
To be honest,it wouldnt really suit us as we like the freedom to visit when we want.
Very secure....yes,but I dont think our van would be the first one the thief would choose.(hopefully)

Plus the outdoor security is really good with two locked gates,security code to enter compound and cctv all round which is monitered 24/365. extra £250 a year.
Oct 3, 2013
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Collecting our "newer caravan" on Wednesday and thought I would find out about our present compounds rules.(we have outdoor storage at present).
Chap from the workshop showed me around and its a huge,completly covered building but very dark inside.(that scuppers the solar panel then😟).
Apparently,you give them 24 hours notice that you want the van out for holiday,then same again before you return.....they move the van out,then back in.
If you wish to visit the van to clean,add/remove belongings,only workshop has the keys and you have to arrange your visit with them first.
No good to us as we occasionaly like to visit van.
Fantastic to keep caravan safe from elements(although I do realise that caravans are supposed to be designed to be outside).
Are all indoor storage sites like this with the various rules and regulations??
Doesn't sound too bad,surely you can plan when you want access then you only have to phone,same for taking van out.
You can take your battery home and keep it in good nick.
I liked the bit about them moving the van out/in for you (good security) as is the arrangement to contact them for access/removal
Mar 14, 2005
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Its simple, if you can't agree to the site's terms, to store your caravan there. Don't use them.

Debating their terms is not going to change anything.

Each caravan owner has to weigh up the pro's and con's of the storage sites they are interested in. Accessibility vs Security, biased by price and convenience.


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