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Jul 25, 2007
I came across a really dramatic real life caravan crash some years ago on the Southbound side of the M6. I was towing my van doing 55-60mph in the inner lane and another caravaner overtook me doing at least 20 mph faster. A few miles down the road we ran into a traffic jam, which finally turned out to be cause by this idiot loosing control and his caravan ended up on it's side and his car wrecked as well.
Mar 14, 2005
I came across a really dramatic real life caravan crash some years ago on the Southbound side of the M6. I was towing my van doing 55-60mph in the inner lane and another caravaner overtook me doing at least 20 mph faster. A few miles down the road we ran into a traffic jam, which finally turned out to be cause by this idiot loosing control and his caravan ended up on it's side and his car wrecked as well.

What you saw was an incident that involved a car and caravan. You have made an assumption that driver of the outfit was to blame. There could have been something or somebody else that caused the incident.
Jul 25, 2007
I came across a really dramatic real life caravan crash some years ago on the Southbound side of the M6. I was towing my van doing 55-60mph in the inner lane and another caravaner overtook me doing at least 20 mph faster. A few miles down the road we ran into a traffic jam, which finally turned out to be cause by this idiot loosing control and his caravan ended up on it's side and his car wrecked as well.
Well I would say that as the same car and caravan rig had been traveling at 75-80mph a few miles along the road, I don't think that it is all that wild an assumption to think that the caravaner was the cause of the accident.
Feb 15, 2009
Hi Dave

Yes we were away at Easter, performance almost perfect. Heavy items ie wheelclamps, hitchlock, ramps, elec lead etc over axle, spare wheel in front locker with 2 gas bottles, normal load ie outside chairs/table under rear fixed bed, water containers in rear washroom eventually gave me 75kgs noseweight. This left the tv and trolley jack in the boot, 2 kids in back seat and wife and I in front. Did more or less same journey as before, ordinary cars no longer have an effect, 4x4's and vans give a little quiver but nothing like before. Would like to load boot more but have run out of stuff, need the items over the axle to achieve noseweight! Looking back to 1st trip my main problem I think was too low a noseweight as I removed spare wheel and put over axle, also loaded boot with more stuff. Lesson learned not to trust noseweight gauges, stick with bathroom scales.




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