Insurance renewal...gone up!


Jan 13, 2016
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Got my insurance renewal through yesterday...

Last year was my 1st ever caravan insurance and got it for £107...

This year they want £138!

How the hell do they get this, considering i have now got a years ncb..

Did a quick compare site and fiund one for £83.

I will be ringing them up next week and having a word...just madness.
Nov 11, 2009
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Just the norm. New customers get best deals with insurers, phones,broadband etc. So I always challenge increases that cannot be reasonably defended. But for insurance with Caravan I use either of the clubs as they don’t tend to just hike up the rates. Plus when things go wrong they both have good reputations for sorting it out quickly and fairly.
Oct 12, 2013
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Hi HNB ,
If you look up my name in the search bit and insurance renewals like your self , a few months ago , i was having the same rant about ours going up !!
Oct 12, 2013
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In the end ours went up £33.oo from £19o.oo to £223.oo but that was for a brand new van and we'd never claimed on the insurance . The money grabbing robbing blighters :p :angry:

Enjoy .


Nov 12, 2009
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Whenever our insurance company tries to increase our caravan insurance premium I point out that the caravan is a year older so worth less money that we haven't claimed and that storage conditions remain the same. The insurance company usually relent and the premium remains at the same level.
Oct 12, 2013
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Excellent . That's how it should be to parksy if circumstances haven't changed . Message sent at oo21 / 2o18 !! Happy New Year to all. :blush: :unsure:
Happy insuring !!
Nov 11, 2009
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Ah but what about the dreaded IPT, inflation and fall in pound. Happy New Year from a miserably wet windy Cornwall. Need weather window to scoot for home and abandon this fun adventure in a winter wonderland!
May 7, 2012
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I understand the average claim is well over £2,000 so £200 is pretty low for a new caravan. I am afraid caravans are easily damaged and expensive to repair and if you look at the claims costs and claims ratio most companies are not making big profits. It is a very competitive market and costs are cut to the bone. I would be very wary of the cheapest quotes as they look too low which means very mean settlements and hard attitudes to claims and possibly rubbish service.


Jan 13, 2016
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Well got it all sorted. After the use of go compare and a few calls between 2 companies i got a good deal with good cover all for £99.11.

Not going to complain at that
May 7, 2012
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HNB said:
Well got it all sorted. After the use of go compare and a few calls between 2 companies i got a good deal with good cover all for £99.11.

Not going to complain at that

That sounds too cheap to be true, I would be very wary of a quote substantially below the norm. Having spent my working life in the industry the old saying of "you get what you pay for" is usually correct.


Jan 13, 2016
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Last year was just over £100. I had few quotes cheaper, but this origianly was £143 on go compare (5th most expensive) but after been on phone, they got it down to £99. So ranging from £86 to £165 i did not think it was to good to be true at all!
Jul 22, 2014
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Raywood said:
Having spent my working life in the industry the old saying of "you get what you pay for" is usually correct.
At my last house buildings insurance annual renewal I got multiple quotes via Comparethemarket or some such website. Most quotes were in the £100-150 bracket, a few were in the several hundreds, two were around £4000-5000 and one was £16,000 (from a company I had never heard of). I now wonder if I was making a mistake not going for the £16,000 one :lol:
May 7, 2012
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HNB said:
Last year was just over £100. I had few quotes cheaper, but this origianly was £143 on go compare (5th most expensive) but after been on phone, they got it down to £99. So ranging from £86 to £165 i did not think it was to good to be true at all!

Never had a quote anywhere near that low but from the level you quote I assume you have an older caravan insured for a modest sum. Given the level of quote you have I might have been a bit premature. We paid about £275 for ours with C&CC which was where most where, but it is on a replacement as new policy, but could have got it down to nearer £200 which I thought was too low. The highest quote was the CAMH at about £400 which was just too high, although their cover and service is probably the best.


Jan 13, 2016
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Raywood said:
HNB said:
Last year was just over £100. I had few quotes cheaper, but this origianly was £143 on go compare (5th most expensive) but after been on phone, they got it down to £99. So ranging from £86 to £165 i did not think it was to good to be true at all!

Never had a quote anywhere near that low but from the level you quote I assume you have an older caravan insured for a modest sum. Given the level of quote you have I might have been a bit premature. We paid about £275 for ours with C&CC which was where most where, but it is on a replacement as new policy, but could have got it down to nearer £200 which I thought was too low. The highest quote was the CAMH at about £400 which was just too high, although their cover and service is probably the best.

My caravan is 9 nearly 10 years old. Insured for 8k last year and now 7.5k this year.

I would of expected a fair bit more if brand new but i would never buy a new van personally.

Wish my car insurances was that cheap though lol
Jul 31, 2010
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WoodlandsCamper said:
My car insurance (2 yr old Insignia, fully comprehensive) is just under £300, but the caravan insurance on a 5 year old caravan is over £300. Senseless.

But do you leave your car in a field for weeks at a time or parked on your drive for long stretches of time without moving?
If you did I bet your car insurance would increase considerably.
May 7, 2012
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The premiums are based on the insurers claims experience and I am afraid caravan claims are fairly high largely because of a higher theft rate and costly repairs. Car and caravan insurance is run on very thin margins as both are very competitive so there is very little room for price cuts in most cases.


Jan 13, 2016
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Raywood said:
The premiums are based on the insurers claims experience and I am afraid caravan claims are fairly high largely because of a higher theft rate and costly repairs. Car and caravan insurance is run on very thin margins as both are very competitive so there is very little room for price cuts in most cases.

Still legalised robbery though!!
Jan 20, 2018
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We had our renewals this year and where relative the same at £450/£500 mark. we have ncd prob near max of 10years.but with a claim and protected against 3 times.i thought i would just get a quote being nosey as a leaflet came thru the post.Sorry we dont accept ncd from other insurance co' i left it there and continued with the current ones.
Mar 14, 2005
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zoaman said:
We had our renewals this year and where relative the same at £450/£500 mark. we have ncd prob near max of 10years.but with a claim and protected against 3 times.i thought i would just get a quote being nosey as a leaflet came thru the post.Sorry we dont accept ncd from other insurance co' i left it there and continued with the current ones.

Hello Zoaman,
I am struggling to decipher your posting, it does not make clear sense. It looks like you are using some shorthand words which have muddled the post.
Jan 20, 2018
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We had our renewals this year and where relative the same at £450/£500 mark. we have 10year ncd.althought we had a claim last year .so i thought i would just get a quote being nosey as a leaflet came thru the post so i phone the number on the leaflet,.Sorry they said but "we dont accept ncd from other insurance co'mpanies".which seemed a bit silly.
so i left the conversation there, and continued with the current insurance company.
May 7, 2012
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We moved our Insurance two years back to the C&CC and they accepted our NCD proof and find it difficult to see how a firm that does not accept it ever gets new business. I take it the bonus was reduced but not eliminated by the claim, as the is standard practice.
Jan 20, 2018
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With our claim it was pretected,3 claims without loseing this year was just £12 differnce.but as said when i phone up the leaflet company and went thru the quote of questions, they came up with a i asked did that include any ncd and they said they dont give any from other insurance companies.I too have never heard of that,but we live and learn.


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