Insurance review

Nov 4, 2008
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Hi All. I have my caravan insured through Rias,its policy is due to be renewed early December. I may try Saga this time, do any of you have experience with either of these companies. ? Regards


My car is through Saga, my caravan through C&CC. Both are as good as any. I like SAGA as the documentation is clear and they give unlimited EU cover. The C&CC gives me about 240 days for the van. I may change that one to SAGA as well, but usually apathy sets in and I just fill in the the renewal slip. When I received the SAGA Car premium this year it had gone up 10% so I tried one of those on line comparison sites you keep seeing on TV adverts. Yes, it gave me a lot of prices lower than mine, with Companies I had never heard of, but when i actually checked what I was getting from SAGA and added back in all the opt outs that the on line sites gave, it came out pretty much the same. I still believe there is no such thing as a 'free lunch' and you will pay the going rate to get what you want.

For many many years I used the CC but 'dumped' them as I found out they were very expensive, and did not really care too much. Their renewal documentation was so unclear, it took me several years to find out I was being overcharged excessively. I also naively trusted them to have it right so did not chase it as hard as I should have until latterly. Of course the CC used an agency, and this may have been the cause of the issues, even although their name was on the letterhead. When I did eventually query everything, my premium dropped by over 60% but by then, I had had enough and moved elsewhere.

You should shop around, but as mentioned , beware the online comparison sites. Also, probably every Company will give you a 10% discount on any quote as a new customer. This will disappear on renewal, so you may have to be a 'rate tart' to keep getting it.
Jun 20, 2005
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In July next year all Insurers will have to publicly declare the number of complaints made against them and the number of genuine bona fide claims they have incorrectly thrown out. This is a FSA edict following a detatiled report by the Financial Ombudsman Service.

Personally I believe the level of cover and attitude to claims is achieved best by the CC and C&CC schemes.

Go cheap, no problem , but just be absolutely certain you fully understand their policy conditions and warranties. Think very carefully about all answers you give them particularly in regard to security issues!!


Oct 28, 2009
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Hi Barkas, i also had my insurance with the cc and they are really expensive, a rip off. i changed last yr and went with CETA but again they increased my premium by 50% rob dogs, i have now gone with E&L you can find then on comparison sites thru googles, i have a 2003 bailey and my prenium for the next year is
May 25, 2008
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You need to remember when using a go between like the CC you are paying a commission to the finder ie the CC. As a consequence your premium will be higher Commission + the Insurance Company Profit. So going direct you should be able to manage at least a 15% reduction
Jul 31, 2010
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From what I have read on various forums, the company that Karl recomends, appears to be a bit like the Carlsberg advert, "Probably the w***t insurance company in the world"

Be very very careful and read as much as you can about them.

Steve W
Nov 20, 2007
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I wish people would only comment on fact, if you have a bad experience with this company OK, if not don't comment on 'hearsay', I have been with this company for a number of years and when I needed to claim they were excellent, my renewal for the following year incurred no increase, and before you ask, I do not work for or have any relationship with the said company......


Nov 12, 2009
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I think that it's only fair for me to point out at this stage that those who have allegedly had negative experiences with the insurance company referred to by Nick are not allowed to post them on this forum.

The company are no longer mentioned on this forum in any way because of what I gather to be a major disagreement some time back between the publishing company who run this forum and the company that Nick is referring to.

Therefore any mention of that company is removed from the forum
Jun 20, 2005
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Even on a simple indemnity basis that is a very good premium for the sums insured.

As for lager , I don't know, ask someone else.

As Parksy says there were "Issues" that cannot be mentioned here.

All will be revealed next July when we have access to the individual insurers claims performance. That will be the definitive answer for me.

However as Steve W says do be very very careful you strictly adhere to all their security requirements.


Jul 31, 2010
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Karl, nowhere in my post did I mention any other insurance company and I certainley would never recommend one.

Please make the effort to read posts in their entirety and do not put words in peoples mouths.

Steve W


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