Interesting artical on green taxes.

May 4, 2005
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coutesy METRO newspaper

Monday, September 03, 2007

Eco-taxes: What is the truth about the green $tuff?

By Aidan Radnedge

Billions of pounds are being raised in green taxes with little or no reward for environmentally friendly consumers, according to two new studies.

Each British family is paying £400 more in green taxes than it would cost to cover its carbon footprint, one study claims - a total of £10billion nationwide.

While green taxes raised £21.9billion in 2005, the social cost of that year's carbon emissions was just £11.7billion, says the report from the TaxPayers' Alliance.

global warming

Satellite images published in Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World show the damaging effects of global warming on Lake Chad pictured in 1972 and 1987

Matthew Elliott of the group said: 'We need more honesty about the costs of extra green taxes when British taxpayers already pay some of the highest pollution charges in the world.'

Only a fifth of people think politicians are genuinely trying to change behaviour using the tax system, a survey carried out by YouGov for the group found.

In contrast, 63 per cent believe Government is using the issue as an excuse to pull in more cash.

Nearly four-fifths oppose the so-called 'pay as you throw' schemes floated by the Government to encourage recycling - despite previous surveys indicating a majority backed the idea.

Some 60 per cent say fuel duty is an unfair tax, while 45 per cent think the same about air passenger duty, which was recently doubled by the Government. Opinion is evenly split over extra 'green' charges on motoring and air travel.

Meanwhile, a separate study found the Government gives back in tax breaks just two per cent of the money it collects through environmental taxes.

The Treasury receives around £29.3billion each year in green taxes such as air passenger duty, accountants UHY Hacker Young said.

The Government raises £25.1billion in fuel duties and takes in £2.1billion in air passenger duty each year, but gives just £254million back in lower vehicle excise duty for people who drive environmentally friendly cars.

The total it hands back each year to environmentally friendly taxpayers is just £549million.

Despite the Government's rhetoric about green tax breaks, little money is actually paid out, the group said.

UHY Hacker Young tax partner Roy Maugham said: 'It's surprising just how lopsided the Government's approach to green taxes has been over the last ten years.

'At the moment it's all stick and very little carrot. 'There's been a lot of talk about green tax breaks but very little action - and the last thing the environment needs is more hot air.

The Government should put its money where its mouth is on this issue.'

There is a large amount of scepticism among taxpayers that the green agenda is simply being used as an excuse to raise taxes, he added.

Dave Timms, from Friends Of The Earth, said: 'The Government could make greater use of tax breaks so it's cheaper and easier for people to go green, while also increasing environmental spending.

The greater tax breaks are still being offered to those involved in polluting activities such as the air industry and road construction.'

But he rejected the idea that green taxes are too high.

A Treasury spokeswoman disputed both reports, saying: 'As a result of measures introduced by the Government, the UK is one of a few countries on course to meet its Kyoto commitments. By 2010 we will have met it almost twice over - cutting greenhouse gas emissions by more than 20 per cent.

'The Government's definition of environmental taxes includes those taxes that are designed to primarily have an environmental impact - the climate change levy, aggregates levy and landfill tax.

'We make clear, for example, when setting fuel duty rates that the Government takes into account a range of factors, including costs of motoring such as congestion, and the need to maintain sound public finances.'
Sep 17, 2005
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Hey interesting trading has started on carbon credits in New Zealand. Go to and search for "carbon credits". Would owning some of these qualify for tax releif??


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