Internet access in eastern europe on our laptop

Jun 10, 2010
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We are planning a trip around Eastern Europe for 3 weeks this summer. We will be taking a laptop and would like to get internet access so we can find information and so our daughter can stay in touch with friends and post images of the trip on Facebook etc.

Does anyone know the best way to do this?

I have heard something about G3 dongles and some suggestion that you can buy sim cards in different countries which makes it cheaper? We would rather use our own laptop that have to find internet cafes all the time even if it is a more expensive way to do it.

I would be grateful for any thoughts

Apr 1, 2010
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Will we did Eastern Europe 2 years ago and bought wifi time at each of the sites we stopped on in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Czech Rep. Some were free others a small charge. We have been in Western Europe for this past 9 weeks and have had wifi on all sites. Charges ranging from Nil to 2 euro's per hour. Certainly cheaper than in the UK. The advantage is you can use it in your own van.
Jun 10, 2010
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Will we did Eastern Europe 2 years ago and bought wifi time at each of the sites we stopped on in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Czech Rep. Some were free others a small charge. We have been in Western Europe for this past 9 weeks and have had wifi on all sites. Charges ranging from Nil to 2 euro's per hour. Certainly cheaper than in the UK. The advantage is you can use it in your own van.
Thanks for your message. Can I ask which guide did you have to find the sites? And was there wifi at most of the sites you went to?

Mar 28, 2005
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I think you will find in most countries in Eastern Europe that their mobile phone and wifi coverages are as good as, if not better than, those you can find in the UK.

We operate a campsite in southern Bulgaria with free wifi. If there is any more information I can give you, get in touch via our website

You'll find your three week trip most enjoyable. There are some fantastic places over on this side of Europe, and the weather is glorious.

All the best,

Martin T. Jeffes
Apr 1, 2010
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We always go by ACSI Camping Card and Guide, tho not so many in Eastern Europe. If you go to my website (putting this address in your address bar will take you straight to it) Joys of Caravanning. you can see the sites we stopped at in 2008. I remember the site in Budapest wifi was all free as were the washing machines including powder to put in them.


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