Into the unknown!

Oct 22, 2009
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Hi all, after all the snow and frost we entered our van with some trepidation.Our nerves were jangling over the sad tales that some of us have relayed on here!!!This is our first winter with this van and we had some doubts about how it would stand up.The good news is that all SEEMS OK SO FAR!No warped wood,no visible leaks,walls cold but dry.Even some clothes we forgot to take out just needed a bit of an airing.I cant tell you what a relief this is as the caravan is nearly 7 years old now and they dont make them anymore.It was our dream van and we didn't want it to turn into a nightmare.You cant cope with troubles so easily as you get older.Lets hope nothing drastic rears its head any time soon.

Good luck to everybody who has still to check out their vans and if there are some problems I hope they are only minimul and easily sorted.

Thursdays Child


Mar 17, 2007
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Glad to here it TC. Ours seems to have survived thus far. Mind you age of van (up to a certain point), may have nothing to do with it. We bought our Swift NEW. 1st service, damp needed work. 2nd service, more damp, more work. Coming up for third service soon. Its all under warranty of course but still a pain. We will be swapping it before the damp warranty runs out, although otherwise love the van.

Oct 22, 2009
Visit site is experiences such as yours that makes me so cross and that is why we were so relieved to find all well(so far)with our Fleetwood. Why are there so many instances of damp in modern caravans? I, foolishly, was of the opinion that the technos in the industry would have eliminated this.After all it is a fundamental requirement that the caravan is capable of protecting the owners from the elements.Otherwise we might just as well be in a cardboard box!!It is a very expensive outlay for a new van and they should be fit for purpose.It is a sad state of affairs to deem oneself lucky to have a DRY caravan.Our old 1997 Compass has also come out of the bad weather well.It belongs to our son since we got the Fleetwood as he wanted a van that he knew the history of.Well as you can tell this is a subject that "GETS MY GOAT".Maybe if we keep "bleating" on about it the manufacturers will be "butted"into action.We are "on the horns of a dilemma" STOP THAT NOW TC.!!!1OK

Thursdays Child
Jun 20, 2005
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Oh dear TC

Not your Goat too! Valerie's Goat went AWOL.

Can we have a pic of your Goat please so it can be returned??LOL,


Mar 14, 2005
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Thats why we will all buy Bailey type alu-tec vans in the future

because they seem to be the only company that have sat up and taken notice of our main gripe throughout the years, mainly that

caravans are not made to a good waterproof standard and its about time we looked at other ways of sealing (other than mastic joints). Even if the new Baily caravans did have the misfortune to leak it would be nice to know that all you have to do is tighten up some nuts to seal it up again without having

to worry about a great expense to repair.

P.s. I have nothing to do with Bailey but just appreciate that

at last a company has foresight to do something about caravanners main concern over all these years.
Apr 1, 2010
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We have been caravanning for 40 years with a break of 10 years we have had 9 different caravans from new or second hand and never had a damp problem. a 1960 Sprite 400, a 1971 Lunar, Avondale, Ace Awards and in the last 7 years a 2003 Coachman and now a 2005 Elddis so it seems to be the more modern vans that have trouble with damp etc.,
Oct 22, 2009
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Sproket,just you send him back at once!He has been brought up not to scrump and not to be a burden to others!!!!

Dianne I think you could have a point there I wonder how many of todays models will survive to become classics.

Dustydog where did you get that photo of me from?Those teeth cost me a fortune.

Does the team think it is a good job the caravan industry doesnt make boats!!!!

Thursdays Child
Oct 22, 2009
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Dustydog,when I get my bionic hip that goat will not get away again and nobody will be able to GET MY GOAT. Maybe we should start a trend and see how many goats we can get.I hope the RSPCA are not reading this.

Has Val forgiven us yet do you think? We may be daft but we are harmless really.I dont mind being the BUTT of the joke!!!

OOOH DEEEEEAR i must get my head down to some serious business.STOP IT NOW WOMAN GET A GRIP````````



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