Is it me or---

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May 25, 2005
What I find ridiculous about the water usage ban is that --- if you have a swimming pool you can fill it and keep it full!!!
Dec 30, 2009
That my friends is for the rich, they can keep watering the golf course and keep filling their swimming pools because we mear mortals need to save the water for them to do that
Dec 30, 2009
Water is a needed to live, water meters are used as a money maker in the UK due to privatised water companies.

In Eire homes get water for free I was told by locals last year whilst on Holiday.

I lived abroad as a kid as did many of my parents friends. the rationing system of turning the supply on and off worked fine, it was even said that it saved more water because with pumping stations being closed it stop waste due to leaking pipes and reduced pressure on pipe infrastructure.

My family and most of their friends still use the water saving tricks we used thirty odd years ago, many live in the Area of South West Water who are reputed to be the most expensive supplier in the UK.
SWW are the most expensive, I know I pay them
Jan 19, 2008
I try to point out to a friend who is a golfer about his club wasting water but his excuse is is they have their own borehole. I can't get him to understand that they are still extracting it from the water table.
Dec 16, 2003
We were advised years ago to stay with water "rate" type bill and not go to meter and tell any one we know to reject meters.

"The first places to get meters will get a good deal as soon as we all get meters the water companies will jack the prices up".

So you honestly are so trusting of our government, water company directors and the share holders that you think that they will pay for meters, fitting costs, maintenance, readings, and added billing costs due to all the different bills and the water will be cheaper!

I think you are very naieve if you beleive that we are not all being pulled into another great con.The IOW was the start of a big slippery slope, once that meters become the norm and people are forced or tricked into having them we are all stuffed!

Large PROFIT driven companies with aged infrastructures and "Market Forces, Present Day Costs and Investment Costs" will be getting the money from YOU or reducing profit and shareholder dividends?

Of course the water company directors will be working for 20k per annum and the companies and shareholders will go for years running on next to no profit and minimal shareholder payouts :)

The government has put no consumer protection in place that I know of, so just wait, accept meters, then see how well off you are. Once they have meters they can charge eveyone for their wastage and inefficiencies and any other costs.
Jan 19, 2008
All I can say to that cris is more power to your elbow and others for holding out against meters. Ive had a meter for over 6 years now and it saves me money. They even replaced the indoor meter with an outdoor one so that theres no need for someone to be at home for them to read it and it didn't cost me a penny. Long may you continue to hold out mate ;O)


Mar 14, 2005
A quote from cris:

water company directors and the share holders that you think that they will pay for meters, fitting costs, maintenance, readings, and added billing costs due to all the different bills and the water will be cheaper!

Yes they DID, and yes it IS.

and another quote:

The government has put no consumer protection in place that I know of, so just wait, accept meters, then see how well off you are.

OFWAT is the overseer of prices, just the same as your rated supplies.
Dec 16, 2003
Damian. Do you not realise that IOW is part a long term strategy, if you think that you are not and will not be paying for added costs of meters you need top think again.

If you and others really believe that all the costs for metering are done as a charity then there is no hope.

OFWAT will over see pricing based on the info the water co's feed them, if you think OFWAT has the power to stop water company profiteering once they have us all controlled by meters you have more faith than me and many others.

Of cours the IOW water supplier wasn't going to start the meter "experiment" by charging to fit the meters and adding all the other costs. The agenda was to make the "meters work" saving water may be a bonus. Long term profit is the driving force and that will come in time from the end user who pays the bill.

Act of parliament to prevent profiteering not some half baked "carrot" called OFWAT to appease the consumer ;-0
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Chris, I am very interested in your "conspiracy". I dont agree with it myself but even if it is true it would help to solve the problem which is to reduce consumption of an increasingly scarce resource (atleast in my area) Our local stream has dried up again (its actually been dry for a couple of years now and its sad to see the terrible affect it has on the wildlife. I think you got it right when you said that meters will allow them to charge everyone for their wastage and inefficiencies. We need to realise that (in some places atleast) water is a precious and finite resoure and needs to be used carefully. This is why I was so annoyed at the new regulations because they seem to be badly thought out, confusing and wont solve the problem (but I suppose its better than nothing!). Just for the record, I have applied to go on a water meter. The estimated average cost for 2 people on a meter is
Mar 14, 2005
Forgot to mention our stream came from a spring about a mile up the valley---right next to a pumping station which takes the water to the next county!
Jun 29, 2004
After the failure of the peasents revolt I went to Oxford to deside weither L.B would force me into exile or not. Any way while there I noticed this big river which on investigation I found went through London and onto Kent ( the very area that is short of water)

And you ask 'Is it me?'


Norfolk Mike
Mar 14, 2005
After the failure of the peasents revolt I went to Oxford to deside weither L.B would force me into exile or not. Any way while there I noticed this big river which on investigation I found went through London and onto Kent ( the very area that is short of water)

And you ask 'Is it me?'


Norfolk Mike
Yes, I thought it probably was!
Dec 16, 2003
For Jim and Pauline it is not a theory, it is fact.

Water meters have been around for far lionger than they have been supplied to UK house holds.

No one should be wasting water, and that includes the water companies and industry.

The high un metered prices are to drive people to the freely installed metering system, of course you will move if it saves you money.

But FACT is it is a long term strategy and OFWAT and our goverments have sold us down the river if you will excuse the pun.

You can control water useage and wastage without metering households and without worrying families with kids and loads of washing who are frightened of present metered bills. Once they have us all under control of meters your water will not be as cheap as you think it is now.

Kevins price for SW Water I know is about right because my family live in Devon and Cornwall, the unmetered price is inflated for a very obvious reason, saving water is an

aside :-(

You can believe what you want as usual, the favour you are getting by having a water meter governing your present bill is not a long term strategy of the business :-(

Water meters are no more a money saver than GATSO's are just for safety ;-)

Water is a "must Have" commodity, the strategy may differ but the meter is bein used to make us all pay more in the long run.
Mar 14, 2005
Oh dear! And theres me thinking GATSO's were to enforce speed limits (and save lives). Well if your theory is correct (sorry, when it is proved correct) it should reduce water consumption and perhaps our stream will come back. The NT saved some of the brown trout and rainbow trout when it dried up (probably saved them in the freezer!) but the sticklebacks and newts etc had no chance.


I can sympathise with anyone paying large amounts for water. Here in 'North Britain' the water company has remained in non-private hands and guess what? Our bills are no cheaper than the private companies. I get the cost of water included with my Council Tax account. Water is 240 per year and sewerage (yes, it is also charged separately) adds another 271 pounds, so for a retired couple we pay 511 pounds per year for water and disposal. It evidently costs more to remove than supply, must be the 'ingredients'? Oh, by the way, the Council Tax is not reduced as a result, it still whacks me for 1700 pounds per year on top., and I live in a flat, not a huge house.

As somebody has already mentioned, here in the north we are floating on the damm stuff, in fact it has been chucking it down yet again today, and we still get rooked. Scottish Water is even supposedly selling water down south, so how come we don't see any reduction in bills? I spent 3 years living and working in Newark, but kept my home up here unoccupied. I declared my 'primary' residence as Newark to get a discount up here as it was so much cheaper in Newark. Maybe SVT has the right idea,.

So as a penniless pensioner I would be delighted to see a private company take over up here, and give us a break.
Dec 16, 2003
I can sympathise with anyone paying large amounts for water. Here in 'North Britain' the water company has remained in non-private hands and guess what? Our bills are no cheaper than the private companies. I get the cost of water included with my Council Tax account. Water is 240 per year and sewerage (yes, it is also charged separately) adds another 271 pounds, so for a retired couple we pay 511 pounds per year for water and disposal. It evidently costs more to remove than supply, must be the 'ingredients'? Oh, by the way, the Council Tax is not reduced as a result, it still whacks me for 1700 pounds per year on top., and I live in a flat, not a huge house.

As somebody has already mentioned, here in the north we are floating on the damm stuff, in fact it has been chucking it down yet again today, and we still get rooked. Scottish Water is even supposedly selling water down south, so how come we don't see any reduction in bills? I spent 3 years living and working in Newark, but kept my home up here unoccupied. I declared my 'primary' residence as Newark to get a discount up here as it was so much cheaper in Newark. Maybe SVT has the right idea,.

So as a penniless pensioner I would be delighted to see a private company take over up here, and give us a break.
Obviuously these changes are not done without a lot of thought and research ;-)

Quite a few going back over numerous years have left or have been made to feel unwelcome in their chosen career sectors and their positions being explained to them when mention of "talking openly" came up ;-)

No doubt peerages for cash is and was just someones "theory and imagination" a short time ago.

I seem to remember a time when we paid "rates" for our homes that included sewage and water, may be it is still a theory that they split the bills and the reduction in rates was about ZERO ;-)

It will never happen said some :)

YEAH, and look where we are now.

And not all water profit stays in our country even, so much for Government protecting our resources and OFWAT saving the day in years to come!


Obviuously these changes are not done without a lot of thought and research ;-)

Quite a few going back over numerous years have left or have been made to feel unwelcome in their chosen career sectors and their positions being explained to them when mention of "talking openly" came up ;-)

No doubt peerages for cash is and was just someones "theory and imagination" a short time ago.

I seem to remember a time when we paid "rates" for our homes that included sewage and water, may be it is still a theory that they split the bills and the reduction in rates was about ZERO ;-)

It will never happen said some :)

YEAH, and look where we are now.

And not all water profit stays in our country even, so much for Government protecting our resources and OFWAT saving the day in years to come!
Aha age does have advantages. I don't 'seem to remember rates' I do remember them and paid them with the greatest of reluctance. I personally feel one of the best ideas to resolve the 'rates' issue was Maggie's Poll Tax. Under that every adult in the country paid a share of the community costs, however, the extreme Left managed to persuade, especiallly those 'drones' who would be now paying, that this needed to be opposed and it was dropped. The Council Tax has now replaced the Rates in all but name, especially once the 'great white hulk' decides to charge extra for conservatories and extensions etc. He will no doubt also include front garden parking as a charge, on environmental grounds of course.
Aug 28, 2005
iwas fishing on the river Wye at Hereford just before the season ended on the 15/03/06 the river was about 10 foot above normal so that was millions of gallons of water flowing out to the sea ,so when i got home i checked the enviroment agency web site there were flood warnings for over 300 rivers including the Thames area ,then i read in the mail that 6 reservoirs have been closed around the London area, mainly for houses & Flats to be built ,so iwent onto google to look for the reservoirs at putney and hammersmith that i used fish years ago, the 4 by hammersmith bridge have gone , and Barn Elms between Putney Hammersmith have been turned into some sort of wet land sanctuary ,i was in putney just after Christmas and the river looked just the same as it did 30 years ago ,the water is there it just needs saving
Dec 16, 2003
Well that nice little fuel fire at the Hemel terminal a while back was fed with fuel that had been pumped miles to the site!

Gas get pumped for miles yet where is the National Water Grid ?

Of course with private companies running our water you would have to get them to work together, we are told that we are causing water shortages but what are the powers above us doing to make sure water is distributed around the country?

Or are to many directors of water companies, and would a water grid cost profit ;-)
Jun 29, 2004
Have you ever noticed?

When the case was being made for privatization, it was stated as the only way to get enough cash to repair the leaks.

When the prices started going up it was stated that they needed their customers to provide the money for them to 'invest' in the companies as the only way in which they would be able to afford to repair the leaks.

Were has all the 'Investment' gone?

Or is it me?


Norfolk Mike
Dec 30, 2009
Cris I agree with you that when majority go on meter it wont save me any money but untill that day comes ill keep putting the saving into the bank, so you lot not on meter please keep going so I get cheap water for a while longer yet!

Kevin H


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