Is it me.

Jun 29, 2004
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You might have seen a recent spate of T.V. adds aluding to the fact that 'The Govenment, In this case DVLA. have your number' It is saying that if you do not tax your car Tony knows and will be popping along to smack your wrist. Now Is It Me?

Did I not also read that there are up to 2 million cars that are unregistered in this Country of ours, and that as it tends to follow that those same cars are likly to also be un-insured and non MOTed why are they spending wadges of our money to get the honest driver to tax their car when the kit exists to use numberplate recognition and tax disc recognition systems to nobble the offenders. Yet because the cost of feeling their collers, taking them to court and, heaven forbid locking the poor underprivilaged indervidual up is so high they dont in most cases bother. Insead they plague the Law Obideing Citizen.

Tony letting Britian down. Is my this weeks slogan.
Dec 16, 2003
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My wife went to Slough last week and there was a police like van with plate recognition cameras in a lay-by. If she was uninsured or out of tax or MOT the fine would land on the door mat as its our car.

Of course it was full blown crims car, it would probably be on cloned or false plates with no tax or anything and just carry on for ever so to speak.
Aug 28, 2005
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That ad on the tv is a farce , where my son lives in Farnham in Surrey ,its like courtyard where he lives and parking in there is murder ,any way one of the neighbours bought an old car and left it there untaxed ,so my son reported it twice ,and i reported it twice ,the second time i said to them you are not doing the job you are paid to do ,that car was parked there for 3 months ,them cameras only catch cars that are on the move ,there are thousands parked up taking the space of paying users.


Mar 14, 2005
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The ones parked up "taking the space of paying users" are not the problem, as such. It is the ones being driven around every day, the driver probably unlicenced, definately uninsured and untaxed, and probably no MOT and maybe not even an english speaking member of our very diverse community that ARE the problem
Mar 14, 2005
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That ad on the tv is a farce , where my son lives in Farnham in Surrey ,its like courtyard where he lives and parking in there is murder ,any way one of the neighbours bought an old car and left it there untaxed ,so my son reported it twice ,and i reported it twice ,the second time i said to them you are not doing the job you are paid to do ,that car was parked there for 3 months ,them cameras only catch cars that are on the move ,there are thousands parked up taking the space of paying users.
I am a Traffic Warden and one of my jobs is dealing with vehicles with expired road tax. In the past week I have dealt with at least 5 or 6 cars with licence expired in August & September last year.

When I did a PNC check, which is a direct link to DVLA, not one had a marker stating that the VEL had expired.

As far as I am aware a marker is only put on PNC after a fixed penalty has been issued to the offending vehicle.

Dec 16, 2003
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B H we have a traffic warden on board.

Where's my gun :cool:

He seems to be able to write and express himself and make a reasonable sensible point as well, can this be true?
Mar 14, 2005
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You better believe it.

Not only am I a Traffic Warden but am also a Scottish one.


Quite a number of motorists fill in the sorn notice but leave their vehicle in a public car park.

The majority of them do not realise the car park is classed as a public road and therefore they will receive a
Dec 16, 2003
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I have this life long ambition as a driver to find a Traffic warden with a brain and a sense of humour ;-)

And so far he's scoring way above all my expectations :)


Mar 14, 2005
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Well at least he is "an english speaking member of our very diverse community " so he must be ok.

Sorry I still can't see the relevence of that bit.
Brian, if you actually read what was posted, it says NOT an english speaking.....,,or, if you dont get that, try illegal immigrant who speaks no english, not licenced, insured etc and not even legally allowed here,,,,,,,#

Hope that clarifies it
May 4, 2005
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I think they do a worthwhile job cris. St Albans for some reason, and I can't remember why didn't have wardens for a long time and it was bl**dy chaos. Not a job I would want to do , I get enough stick being a car salesman, and I would definately not do it in St Albans as they wear the most hideous blue uniforms.
May 4, 2005
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Well at least he is "an english speaking member of our very diverse community " so he must be ok.

Sorry I still can't see the relevence of that bit.
I was just a bit confused as there are a lot of people in this country who don't speak English who have every right to be here ,abide by the law and are valued members of the community.Sorry couldn't tell from your original post you only meant the illegal ones.
Dec 16, 2003
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I have no problem with the job !

Just can't believe the way SOME do it !

I've had three parking tickets in all my years driving and never paid them !

Two from parking wardens and one from a Police officer. Each one was cancelled as all three were in the wrong to issue them ;-)
May 4, 2005
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Many years ago St Albans computer system couldn't handle part payment. If you had several tickets and paid the most recent one it wiped the rest of the system.
Apr 11, 2005
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Hi every one

Last year the town that is near to were we live was visited three time to get road tax none payers and every time they visited. They made it now that they were going to be come to get the cars.

So not only were they going to lose there car they all so got fined as well.

This went on for a cup of days as well and it was said that there were lot of people tell them were car were that were not road tax as well as they were going a road look for the cars.

They have all so stared to use started to use camera that read ever number plate that go past the camera and then there a car a bit there on down the road that pick the one that have some thick wrong with them.

Going on to some thick ells did an one eels read a bout speed camera in the New Of The World were they are going to be let to put them were you can not see them and they were all so going to put them in side cats eye to get speed drives and all so they will not have to tell you if the cameras there as well.

Jan 2, 2006
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Returning to the point that was raised,you see these npr vans checking tax/insurance the only problem is most rely on taking a picture and not have the police down the road to stop the car as a result they write to the last registered owner who of course is no longer the actual owner.
Dec 16, 2003
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Another problem is Cloned number plates. Somebodu I know got parking tickets and speeding fines from the Liverpool and Cheshire areas whilst they were working abroad, before it was proven that it was not his car. He was asked if he was sure he had taken his car out of the country and could he have lent it to someone else.

Even after providing evidence from a security video that at the time a speed camera ticket was issued the car was in a secure area in the South West of England he still had a nightmare with summons being issued for non payment before the authorities found that "his" car had been found burnt out apart from the fact that he was driving it when he got call!
Mar 14, 2005
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Reminds me of the time I was booking a car with expired licence.

The front number plate was different from the rear one. Seems the garage had made a mistake with one digit. Got the proper number from the tax disc.

Had a purge on expired tax discs today and managed to fine 7 vehicles. Surprised to find two of them had discs for August 2005

& June 2004.

So much for DVLA knowing the tax disc has expired.
Jul 18, 2006
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Reminds me of when I bought my car (2nd hand) and I went to check my V5 (or whateven it is called now) only to find the regestration on it wasn't the same on my insurance.

Why, because the reg the garage had given me (which was on both plates they had put on the car with their name on the bottom) was wrong, so my work parking permit, and insurance were wrong.

Thankfully my tax was right as they must have bought that with the v5 with them.

Now if I was Mr dishonest I could have drive around like a nutter and got flashed loads (pardon the pun) and not got a single ticket. Maybe even someone else may have got the tickets.

They had put an X instead of an F, so they must have called their plate maker on the phone and they missheard them.


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