Just to add a bit more to the original question. Over the years we've used CAMHC sites for around 75% of our trips, we were always in a position where we didn't have to worry too much about what the site cost, myself, wife and daughter enjoyed several nights stay at a reasonable price paid at the till. Each year we'd just book various places without giving the total price much consideration. That is all going to change, we're just back from the CAMHC Broadway site and paid £67 a night.......
Yes, our circumstances have changed as our daughter is now over 18, so full-whack price for her and yes, we were on a fully serviced pitch, so top-dollar on that one as well, so if I wanted to actually BLAME someone then it'd have to be that handsome chap that I see looking at me in the bathroom mirror, but going forward we'll be checking the total price BEFORE confirming it. There is a world of sites beyond the CAMHC network and we'll be checking them closer and also stop being lazy and making regular trips to the communal tap with the Aqua-roll!