It doesnt add up

Jan 2, 2006
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Given the uproar over MPs expenses it always amazes me when you watch live debates from the house in the evening and how few are in the house.

Last night I watched a lengthy debate,and the camera showed the full house on a number of occassions and the most I counted there was 14.So clearly they regard it as vital that they listen to all of the debate.

Obviously if they have not sat and listened to the debate how could they possibly have a view and therby decide how to vote.

Anyway the 14 last night listend and debated until the division bell just after 10pm and the result of the vote is something that even Carol Vorderman would struggle to work out because 14 became a vote off 274 in favour and 153 against so a total of 427 voted even though 413 were not in the debate.

I assume that they were in the bar/dining room enjoying subsidised hospitality at our expense.
Nov 2, 2005
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My hubby thought they were always there. Told him different.

One thing that's not being mentioned because all the mp's claiming is what there allowed to claim and the limits.

I would like to know what they are allowed to claim for and why.

When my hubby moved place in the company we were not allowed to claim for a 2nd home, or accomodation indenfitely.

We had to move. Plus the amount for moving etc was also limted we were never left in pocket. Couldn't claim tax back because he had to drive 100 to where the company moved him to.

I think it a bit of a smoke screen.

Why don't they tell all the things their getting free, let alone the mp's who deliberately fiddle the system.

Mar 14, 2005
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Plotter you are right - they were in the bar having a whale of a time at our expense but were, like you, watching it on TV so they all knew what was happening and therefore had a clear opinion on how to vote - you are a Silly Billy not realising that.


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