It's gone quiet in here, so......

Mar 14, 2005
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A few that should have been included with "Who's Who Two" may my error torment me for years to come.

LH, also known as Lisa to her friends, mom to her daughter, and Twinkletoes by her local constabulary (don't ask). Often compared to the great Annie Sugden of "Emmerdale" fame due to their common love of horses and the capacity to rule the roost with a will of iron. Can be caught out when complimented, but is all too willing to please. Has the ability to fall over quickly when intoxicated.

Shiba, aka Glenice, The girl you wish your son would marry. Always welcoming and the first to approach when you're looking lonely. A wizard in the kitchen, makes the BBQ seem like a weapon on mass consumption. Has an obsessive, compulsive disorder, neatness is everything to her, time on her hands is dead time, always returns to the bathroom sink at night to make sure it is off. Calm in a crisis.

Samanosuke, new to this world, and innocent with it. Likes to be part of the crowd, but is independent enough to decide which crowd he wants to be part of. Still learning the basics of interaction with so many huge personalities, one to watch and guide for the future.

Moderator, a robotic data base whose only desire is to become human. Has mastered the art of slipping away for a crafty *** and ignoring the pleas from the masses. Has a strangely jocular sub program but will wield the mighty "delete button "when provoked.

Still unhappy about not being turned into a PS2 or Game Cube.


Mar 14, 2005
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Brilliant!! You've got me sussed! I'm sure you know me. You're not that old chap I met last weekend are you, you know, the one who got upset with me because I drove over his electrical cable by mistake? I love the police.

I'm actually partaking of the Cava as I write my reply.

Lisa xx
Mar 14, 2005
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Brilliant!! You've got me sussed! I'm sure you know me. You're not that old chap I met last weekend are you, you know, the one who got upset with me because I drove over his electrical cable by mistake? I love the police.

I'm actually partaking of the Cava as I write my reply.

Lisa xx
Took me hours to straighten that cable again! : )


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