Its really got my goat...........

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Aug 28, 2005
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This is better than the tv ,i am waiting for the next reply with eager anticipation , only joking lets all lighten up a bit ,its Christmas soon , the season of good will ,and new years resolutions , merry christmas every one


Nov 12, 2009
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Bless you need a nice cup of tea and one of those lovely biscuits you gave us the other day.....if you ask Carole very nicely she might let you have a lick of one! ;-)
I licked the ones that you had Sue but it's rude not to share so I put them back in the box


Nov 12, 2009
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F.A.O. Dustydog

I wrote:


When the aforementioned ladies turn on me and blame me as no doubt they will I'll be able to keep a stiff upper lip in the face of the enemy :0)'

Told you!
Aug 12, 2007
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I licked the ones that you had Sue but it's rude not to share so I put them back in the box
I wondered what the funny taste was, but didn't like to mention it! LOL

You'll need an extra special double choc coated one AND a slug of something fairly heftily alcoholic in your cuppa by the end of today, by the looks of things! ;-)


Nov 12, 2009
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A consignment of 75 million Viagra tablets bound for the UK from the States went to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean when the container ship with them on board was sunk in the storms.

Half an hour later the Titanic came up!
Nov 12, 2009
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aye, read about that disaster Parksy, also there was the theft at Dover docks when a full cargo container was stolen overnight,

police are saying they are suspecting a gang of hardened criminals.
Oct 18, 2009
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A consignment of 75 million Viagra tablets bound for the UK from the States went to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean when the container ship with them on board was sunk in the storms.

Half an hour later the Titanic came up!
Blast!That was my order.
May 21, 2008
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Valerie, I'm with you on this one.

Pity people have allowed themselves to digress off topic to make the thread inapropriate!!

Especially as they are expected to maintain and set standards.

I think it's about time that the clubs did the same as the private sites do over peak periods. That is to charge full fee upfront with no refund on cancellation without proof of reason why, ie doctors note or hospital discharge letter etc.

To book pitches on sites year on yaer and then cancel at the last minit is bad enough, but to openly gloat that for years that is what has been done is down right selfish, inconsiderate and I would of expected it to of been something that caravanners of the calibre we proport to be, would condem and not gloss over with childish banter.

Perhaps the PC management should look at this thread and act appropriately.

I for one can honestly say that in nearly 30 years of caravanning, have only had to cancel once and did so with a doctors note despite not actually having paid any deposit, so as not to ruin good will between me and the site owner.

Steve L.

P.S. I've copied this thread to print it out should the need arise, as I do with mosst of my postings purely as I have a dodgy dongle signal.
Jun 20, 2005
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Morning Steve

I am afraid I am one of the digressors here. You'll gather there's been a bit of a scrap with some of our ladies and thus I think a little light banter and laughter can often help to diffuse a ticking bomb.

I've thrown down my own gauntlet, see my reply to Valerie 2.12.2009 08.24pm.




Nov 12, 2009
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The sniping at other forum members because of a Caravan Club matter has to stop.

Steve in Leo, there were several postings removed and an argument had developed, perhaps you would have preferred me to have let it go on until forum members were suspended?

Sometimes a bit of light good humour or 'childish banter' as you put it can remove some of the sting from actions that I have to take as a moderator.

I hadn't realised that there was a rule which states that a thread must never ever digress from the original posting, I'll look it up sometime.

When I find it maybe your comments about asylum seekers / prescription charges / job centre staff/ hospital delays in another thread will have to come under the microscope, who knows?
Sep 6, 2008
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Hey Mr. Mod..have you gone off today for a lie down while everything is quiet lol... I reckon a stint in The Jungle would be good for some...or as Harry Hill would say "FIGHT" ..

Chris x
Nov 12, 2009
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stave in leo,

whenever did some friendly banter thats posted in a thread mean it was going off topic ?.

there are lots of members in here who read the posts and at times can agree or disagree with the content of them. there are also times when it is an opportune moment to post something with a bit of humour (thats having a laugh and a good time by the way) to others who have replied.

in no way would i hijack someones thread, respect given for what they are posting about.

so, get a wee bit of a grip and dont come across like a girls blouse, sad day if we cant have some fun.
Jan 19, 2008
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Quote ... "dont come across like a girls blouse".

Now now highlander, don't you realise one or two are now going to accuse you of being sexist ... (pssstttt, by the way it's big girls blouse). Oops there you go, I'm going to be accused of fattism now :O(
Nov 12, 2009
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Quote ... "dont come across like a girls blouse".

Now now highlander, don't you realise one or two are now going to accuse you of being sexist ... (pssstttt, by the way it's big girls blouse). Oops there you go, I'm going to be accused of fattism now :O(
nice one,

now dont you stray off topic, or else !.
Jan 19, 2008
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Quote ... "dont come across like a girls blouse".

Now now highlander, don't you realise one or two are now going to accuse you of being sexist ... (pssstttt, by the way it's big girls blouse). Oops there you go, I'm going to be accused of fattism now :O(
I'm too idle to get my scrollin' finger working to go to the top to see what the topic's about :O)
Jan 19, 2008
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Quote ... "dont come across like a girls blouse".

Now now highlander, don't you realise one or two are now going to accuse you of being sexist ... (pssstttt, by the way it's big girls blouse). Oops there you go, I'm going to be accused of fattism now :O(
Oh yes, it's about goats.


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