Jonathan Ross & Russell Brand !!!

Aug 17, 2007
I cannot believe that Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand still have jobs with the BBC after them making obscene telephone calls to Andrew Sachs of Fawlty Towers fame on a raio 2 programme. I'm sure if they had proper jobs then they would be out on their ears !!

What annoys me even more is that the reputed £16 million paid to Jonathan Ross for 3 years contract to the BBC comes out of our licence fee !

Or am I just getting too old. No doubt there is a PC brigade that feel any critism of the pair of them is contrary to their European human rights !!

May 25, 2008
I agree Bill, sack the pair of them with NO compensation they must have broken a contract.
Mar 26, 2008
I could never believe what Ross said to Gwyneth Paltrow on his TV show. My husband would have knocked the living daylights out of him.

He goes beyond common decency too many times and to pick on a 78 year old is disgusting.
May 25, 2008
Response from the BBC web site, a bit pathetic !!!!!!!!

Russell Brand Programme, telephone calls to Andrew Sachs, BBC Radio 2, 18 October 2008Publication date: 27 October 2008


We received complaints from listeners about prank calls made to Andrew Sachs by Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross during Russell Brand's BBC Radio 2 show.

The BBC's Response

The BBC has received a letter of a complaint from Mr Sachs' agent and would like to sincerely apologise to Mr Sachs for the offence caused. We recognise that some of the content broadcast was unacceptable and offensive. We are reviewing how this came about and have responded to Mr Sachs personally. We also apologise to listeners for any offence caused


Nov 12, 2009
I've listened to the recording on the internet and I can't believe that the offending phone calls were actually pre recorded and then some executive allowed this garbage to go on air.

It's the sort of guttersnipe filth that one would expect from Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand and is sadly symptomatic of the general lowering of behavioural standards that the media have been determined to foist upon us in recent years. They call it 'pushing the boundaries', I call it dumbing down.

These media executives are possibly the same ones who issued the edict that comedians such as Jim Davidson, Freddie Starr and Benny Hill should be banished from our screens because their humour didn't fit in with the ideas of media executives in 'Newspeak Britain'.

Perhaps the 'humour' of Ross and Brand and their ilk is what is meant by 'alternative comedy'.

They must mean as an alternative to actually being funny and entertaining.

Sack them!
Jan 19, 2008
Steve, so is Russell Brand. I'd like to know what talent he has. I did see him on, I think, the Royal Variety and I felt like cringing for him, totally embarassing. While we are at it so is Ricky Gervais ... yuk!

It seems today you have to **** and blind to be funny. Someone must like them though, probably chavs.
Apr 23, 2007
Erm, I'm really sorry about this but I would like to defend these two.

I haven't listened to what they say but I accept it is totally unacceptable. They should do all they can to apologise, properly, and really mean it too.

What I don't think is right is that in so many areas of life we tend to look at what we CAN do rather than what we want to do or should do. I think the BBC have every right to sack these two people without a second thought. But do they want to? I for one think Jonathan Ross is great on TV. Not too fussed with Russell Brand, but just because I'm not a fan I don't want him sacked, its too extreme. I just don't watch him.

I once worked for a software company where their main developer constantly could (or wouldn't?, doesn't matter) not get in for 9am. He would roll in at 9:30 or 10. He was also often last to leave at night. Eventually some 2-bit manager decided they had had enough and sacked him. The customer he was looking after decided to leave when he wasn't getting the service he had been getting and eventually the company went bust.

Why would the BBC sack them when they have spent so much money securing their contracts for a period of time? They could, but they would have to be mad. Some other TV company would then pay them the same and the people who like them would be denied hearing or watching them.

Just thinking out loud. I may (probably) be misguided here.

Aug 17, 2007
Ian - I accept some of your comments.

What really irritates me is that we have no say in how the BBC spends our licence money so have no opportunity to change things. A BBC chap called Tim Davie was interviewed last night as he is conducting the investigation into the incident. Nothing will happen - he was like a wet weekend with measured and nervous answers. We as a society and too nervous of rich and famous people.

If these 2 had proper service industry jobs they would have been suspended pending the outcome of the investigations but their shows go on.

A BBC spokesman said this morning that these 'stars' are a role model for the younger generation - enough said !!!



Nov 12, 2009
Both Ross and Brand have fans who will defend their actions and say that this is getting out of proportion. Had they been on a commercial radio station and done the same thing advertisers would have bought pressure to bear for action to be taken on this matter.

The vast silent majority of the public have watched public standards being eroded again and again and broadcasters are leading the downward spiral of decency.

Had a couple of yobs in the street gone into a phone box and left such messages for Joe Soap, you or me there would have been consequences to their actions.

These vastly overpaid 'entertainers' have crossed the boundary of what the mainstream general adult poulation of this country find acceptable and the public have become vocal and made known their disapproval of Ross and Brands actions. The BBC will ignore us who pay for the whole shooting match at their peril.

Ross in particular is being paid six million pounds a year of OUR money while ordinary families are having their homes repossesed.

That puts it into perspective for me - sack them.
Mar 14, 2005
The BBC has now received over 18,000 complaints about these 2 & OFCOM is investigating the breach of broadcasting regulations regarding 'decency'. I think that shows the general feeling of utter disgust re these phone calls.

I just wonder if those that are defending their actions would be quite as 'understanding' if the comments were made to their own father/grandfather and refered to their own daughter/grandaughter. I think maybe NOT!!

I personally think the apology the 2 have given was 'tongue in cheek' and not sincere, and I think they should lose their jobs.

What they did was not clever & certainly NOT FUNNY!!
Mar 14, 2005
Just heard on Radio 2 news that Ross & Brand have been taken 'Off Air' until a complete review of the incident has been undertaken by a Senior BBC official.

Apparantly that suspension is effective immediately.

Positive action at last from the BBC.
Jun 20, 2005
A penny to a pound the pair of to$$ers are suspended on full pay!

Even if BBC sack them, which they should, some independent channel will employ them.


Jan 19, 2008
Being over paid no wonder they have over inflated ego's and are full of their own self importance. They believe they have God like status.

Sadly their notoriety will probably have helped them in the society we have become and I'm sure another broadcaster would be pleased to offer them a job.
Jan 19, 2008
Being over paid no wonder they have over inflated ego's and are full of their own self importance. They believe they have God like status.

Sadly their notoriety will probably have helped them in the society we have become and I'm sure another broadcaster would be pleased to offer them a job.
oops, sorry alan, I didn't notice your comment above. It shows we are on the same wavelength though :O)
May 25, 2008
Ross has offered 20 million to Children in Need in apology for his bad taste.

No I didn't think so!!!!!!!!!!!


Nov 12, 2009
If they get a job with another broadcaster they won't have such a wide audience and us grown ups will be able to listen to radio 2 without having to endure Woss's wubbish.
Apr 23, 2007
Did anybody on here commenting actually hear the programme at the time?

Is everybody aware of what was actually said?

Did you know that the BBC only received 2 complaints after the program. The deluge came after it was reported in the tabloid press.
Mar 14, 2005
I don't listen to either of the broadcasters shows, from previous experiences they're not to my taste.

Too crude, & I work in the building industry, I am not a prude & I do use bad language although not with the intention of offending anyone or in the wrong company.

I dont believe you have to have experienced the actual show to make a comment & I have listened to excerpts of the show, where Russell Brand alleged that he had had sex with Andrew Sachs grandaughter, Jonathan Ross was heard shouting obscenities in the background. I have also listened to their 'apology' a very insincere attempt to smooth things over imo.

I also dont understand your point Ian, regarding the initial 2 complaints. There have since been over 18,000 complaints to the BBC and further representations to OFCOM & to individual MP's.

Are you suggesting that those that have complained have only done so because of the tabloid press report. I read lots of rubbish in the newspapers & watch & listen to other stuff on radio & tv but I dont always feel the need to comment on it.

However I do feel very strongly about this incident. It is unnacceptable behaviour by both presenters who have gone way past the boundaries of decency & have offended many people by doing it, not least the family of Andrew Sachs.

Incidentally this is not the first time Russell Brand has made such claims of a sexual nature. (Rod Stewarts daughter)
Aug 10, 2008
Not much of a Ross fan, and less so of the other chap,but like Ian said only 2 complaints after the show was aired, so the audience it was aimed at certainly found it funny!

The show was shown to the elderly chap in question prior to being show,now he did not like it,and the BBC still aired it!

and apparently many of the BBC's favoured shows are much worse,and regularly have bits cut out.

And what of the poor girl they slatted?as the news and views seem to centre more so on her grandfather!

Well she's suffering badly, what with having to talk to the sun,no doubt for a fee,and I wonder what job offers will come her way from this clear intrusion of her life style!

And yet she too seems more concerned with her grandfather than herself, very admirable, and who is listed as one of her best friends apparently?

someone called brand!

So it would seem that some are using Ross as a scapegoat, and people who clearly do not share his taste or dislike his vast salary are having a whale of a time, hell even MPs seem to have the cheek to talk about the morality of it all! What a laugh that is.

Should they not be busy doing there jobs, rather than jumping on the band wagon?They have more than enough to do.

I am now making a list of all the crap I dislike on the BBC,and which offends my intelligent's with its gross exaggerations and corny comedies.

So EastEnders should be out for a start,followed closely by all there comedy programmes. in fact having a hard time thinking of anything really worthwhile, bar a few documentaries.

But then its the BBC's job to cater for all taste, so whilst I may not like a lot of the stuff they show,plenty do,and apparently plenty of people watch that Ross guy and like him.

So you wont see me getting on any band wagon, I will watch what I like and not watch things I clearly dis like.Luckly every body has that choice.
Aug 10, 2008
Ross has offered 20 million to Children in Need in apology for his bad taste.

No I didn't think so!!!!!!!!!!!

What!! Although I doubt that Ross has offered 20 million to the children in need fund, if he had, you would be the only one saying "no I don't thing so"

You have your priorities all twisted.
Apr 23, 2007
Call me a cynic if you like, but...

I see Russell Brand has resigned on the same day as David Tennant (Dr Who).

May 25, 2008
If it brings the debate about the end of the BBC, all the better. You are Forced to Pay with threat of being labelled a criminal if you don't Pay. I am quite happy with Sky I pay for and watch what I want. Not the same with the BBC


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