just to say hi all

Mar 5, 2017
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hi all bit of an intro . i live in the north east am retired and the owner of a avondale sport 5 berth 1997 ish vintage .the van came into my ownership as a trade sale from a dealer requiring some work , frankly a little more work than i first envisaged apart from the body being in good nick and the chassis i had to sort out a spongy floor in the door way ,in front of the sink cooker area not through damp . replace some interior pannels near the front window due to past damp ,luckily the basic frame was ok . a few other bits but i will go into all that later if anybody realy wants to know ,basicaly enjoyable work and not expensive at all .

any way glad to be on here and will be asking many questions and also be giving any help i can . thanks again graham
please excuse the spelling and punctuation as i am basicaly crap at it :silly: :silly:


Nov 12, 2009
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Welcome to the forum Graham.
As long as you can make yourself understood the way that you spell isn't important :)
Aug 23, 2009
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Whatto and welcome to the merry gang. Never worry about the spelling and punctuation, taking part and the spirit of the forum is what matters around here. :)
Apr 20, 2009
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Hi Graham, big welcome to the forum, done a few repairs myself over the years and like you when complete gives great satisfaction. keep posting.
Mar 5, 2017
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thanks for the replies ,much appreciated . yes the work has been rewarding and may i say inexpensive, probably saved hundreds over pro . i had a gas check done by somebody i know that its its job ,cost me a bottle of scotlands best ,as it was for my own piece of mine i dident want the certificate , the fridge working on gas 12v and mains ,the water heater is fine on gas and 240v but there was a slight leak on the gas fire found pipe joint with the pressure drop test thing ,anyway thats done now . tires to replace and brakes to check ,should be ok then for many holls and weekends .thanks again ,will be browsing through the forums to find the correct places to post ,cheers graham
May 7, 2012
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Sounds like you are a great handyman and you have done very well. Hope you enjoy using the caravan and if you need it there will be plenty help on here.


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