Parksy wrote
"As I said earlier, it's unfair to blame the legal profession for society's failings. QCs and solicitors can only interpret the law as it stands and parliament makes the laws of the land.The blame lies squarely with politicians which have been elected by us, you and me."
As i said in my post the politicians ARE lawyers. Are they making laws for the benefit of the general public, or for their spouses, friends and ultimately themselves in the legal profession?
I'll ask a few more questions.
Why do we have maximum sentences? Why are we telling the crooks what the worst that can happen to them is?
Why when a person is convicted by 12 good men and true their appeal (funded by the taxpayer as always) is heard by 3 judges?
Why can someone appeal against their sentence (not just the conviction)?
Again I say, if you believe that the law is for the legal people's benefit then all of the above are answered.
As for getting the society we deserve, i agree. We have a society where someone chastised for leaving their briefcase / handbag visible in a car? Shouldn't they be allowed to? It's not against the law! Shouldn't we be chopping the hands off the thieves who break in and steal them? But then of course they wouldn't do it again and it would probably be a deterrent to others so we can't have that.
Even today we have the example of the RAF guys in Peterboro' being told not to wear their uniforms out for fear of being abused. Always we punish the victim not the wrongdoer.
But what can we do about it? Our "democracy" allows us to choose between a bunch of lying lawyers from the red corner or exactly the same from the blue corner. And if another party comes in (UKIP) and looks like it might make inroads into the cosy little set up of the others the blues and the reds get together and amend the law on party funding to ensure they will never be able to afford to mount a serious challenge.
If we could abolish party politics and have independents in the commons then we would have true democracy. Each law could be debated properly and fairly and voted on, on it's merits (not on the orders of the party boss). Failing that give us a "non of the above" option on the ballot paper and if this got the most votes then no party would have an MP in that constituency. We'd probably only have 12 MPs in the commons! (though if you watch some of the debates you'd be forgiven for thinking that's all we have anyway.)
We could make a start by scrapping the maximum sentences and letting us elect our judges. I think then we would see sentences reflecting public opinion. If it didn't we the public could sack our judge.
Shouldn't think this will happen in my lifetime though.