keeping up with the JONES'S

Oct 6, 2005
My family and I sayed in Devon this summer. On this site there is a caravan sales dept, we noticed a couple of people who seemed to having a new van delivered on site and there old one taken away, what a nice way to start your holidays we thought with a brand new van delivered to your pitch. We tow our twin axle with a 2004 LWB Shogun and our very proud of our kit,but you always see something newer or fancier and wish we could have one like that. well, we couldnt quite beleive what we saw next, there was a large twin axle towed by a Land Cruiser Amazon, already pitched nearby, when our attention was caught by a helicopter overhead which actually landed in the caravan field (very big camp site) and the owner of the Amazon and twin axle casually strolled from his helicopter to his caravan! Try keeping up with those "JONES'S"
Jan 19, 2008
I couldnt see anything unusual in that Debbie. For example I was booked into North Ledaig site near Oban but due to a late sitting in the Lords, thats the UPPER House to you peasants, (silly old codgers in there, they start a debate and half way through the speech forget what they are talking about) my butler took my caravan to Oban. When I landed my helicopter at Oban it was the rush hour so I had arranged for my yacht to take me to North Ledaig and drop me off on the beach.
Mar 14, 2005
I couldnt see anything unusual in that Debbie. For example I was booked into North Ledaig site near Oban but due to a late sitting in the Lords, thats the UPPER House to you peasants, (silly old codgers in there, they start a debate and half way through the speech forget what they are talking about) my butler took my caravan to Oban. When I landed my helicopter at Oban it was the rush hour so I had arranged for my yacht to take me to North Ledaig and drop me off on the beach.
lord B make me laugh is there anything the butler does'nt do for you !!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 14, 2005
Sharon -I am surprised of you in so much as to put Lord B. in such an embaressing spot as to ask such a question. Should you have read his previous postings you would realise the way he treats his staff, they would fall over backwards in order to satisfy his humble ways. Lord B is one of the last of a bread of true aristocrats of this noble country of ours. The only question I wish to have explained is how he came by his title - was it inherited or did he have to bribe a top Labour official within the lower house?
Jan 19, 2008
My dear man, as you should have inwardly digested from a previous post of mine I inherited my lands. I had to pay an ooorfully lot of inheritance tax to these bounders in government when Daddy passed on. The Braykewyndes go back to before the conquest when my ancestors were leiges of the good King Harold. When a seagull flew overhead and dropped a toid at Hastings someone shouted "duck my Lord", Harold looked up and said "thats no duck its a gull" and thats when the arrow hit him in the eye.

My ancestor, Mordred the Flattulent, a cad that he was, saw the battle going badly so changed sides. It was William the First who granted us our lands where Mordreds son, Ulric the Letrip built our castle where the present day Screwemm Hall is standing. I do hope that helps you to understand how hard it is for us Peers of the Realm to cope. That is why we have serfs to help work the land. Toodle pip and good night, I can hear my maid Titillating Tina coming along the landing with my cocoa and to tuck me up in bed :OP
Mar 14, 2005
My dear man, as you should have inwardly digested from a previous post of mine I inherited my lands. I had to pay an ooorfully lot of inheritance tax to these bounders in government when Daddy passed on. The Braykewyndes go back to before the conquest when my ancestors were leiges of the good King Harold. When a seagull flew overhead and dropped a toid at Hastings someone shouted "duck my Lord", Harold looked up and said "thats no duck its a gull" and thats when the arrow hit him in the eye.

My ancestor, Mordred the Flattulent, a cad that he was, saw the battle going badly so changed sides. It was William the First who granted us our lands where Mordreds son, Ulric the Letrip built our castle where the present day Screwemm Hall is standing. I do hope that helps you to understand how hard it is for us Peers of the Realm to cope. That is why we have serfs to help work the land. Toodle pip and good night, I can hear my maid Titillating Tina coming along the landing with my cocoa and to tuck me up in bed :OP
I do beg your forgiveness your worship. I, a mere peasant of this fine country, should have been able to recognise a gentleman peer of the realm without insulting you by asking such a question. Please forgive me.
Jan 19, 2008
I do beg your forgiveness your worship. I, a mere peasant of this fine country, should have been able to recognise a gentleman peer of the realm without insulting you by asking such a question. Please forgive me.
ok but for a pennance you can gargle in Holy Maids Water and say 10 "Hail Kangas".
Mar 14, 2005
I've seen something that can top that, Debbie, although admittedly while staying at a hotel and not caravanning. A helicopter arrived and, of course, all the guests wanted to know who the important person was that arrived by such an exclusive method of transport. It turned out that it was the personal butler and servant of a guest who later arrived by car (we were told because he was a passionate motorist who preferred to drive to the hotel)
Mar 14, 2005
ok but for a pennance you can gargle in Holy Maids Water and say 10 "Hail Kangas".
I don't mind the Holy Maids Water - in fact I don't think this is a pennance and look forward to it, however I do draw the line at 10 Hail Kangas - I don't want to be tarred with the same brush by others on this fine forum.
Mar 14, 2005
His Lordship is obviously getting forgetful......silly old codger.Why did you land the helicopter at Oban, when everyone knows that there is an airfield right next to the site at North Ledaig???? :)
Mar 14, 2005
His Lordship is letting it be known that he is looking for a new pilot.Cv's to be handed in as soon as possible.Ability to navigate will be a distinct advantage !!!
Oct 6, 2005
I've seen something that can top that, Debbie, although admittedly while staying at a hotel and not caravanning. A helicopter arrived and, of course, all the guests wanted to know who the important person was that arrived by such an exclusive method of transport. It turned out that it was the personal butler and servant of a guest who later arrived by car (we were told because he was a passionate motorist who preferred to drive to the hotel)
Unbelievable, what ever next...?


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