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Mar 17, 2007
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I have to agree with JTQ about the 'Mobile' TV. It is a pretty useless piece of kit. It will only pick up the best anologue signals, and is not very clever with digital. You are very restricted re veiwing angle, and you need to adjust brightness and contrast if changing from one format to another. It is not a patch on my old Thomson 15", but that had no DVD or Freeview. It's only redeeming feature is that it seems to consume very little power... Avoid!!
Mar 17, 2007
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Margaret considers TV's boring - well good luck to her. I expect she is a fairweather caravanner, and like me she has no real need for a TV when the weather is good. We tend to go away all year round, and I do not want to be sat in a caravan in the depths of winter staring at four walls. It is also useful for keeping informed - plus, I want to do it, it's my money, and I can decide for myself how boring it is!
Jan 31, 2008
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Agreed, Rod. It's a good job we're not all the same and it's a case of each to their own after all. We like our TV and Satellite and it's nice to wind down with a program before bed.

The same argument has been said about taking laptops away with us on holiday.
Dec 8, 2007
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Well, that stirred you all up! Margaret and hubby are most definitely NOT, NOT fine weather caravanners! Hail, rain AND snow we are out in it. TV is still booooring!

Margaret W.
Mar 17, 2007
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Margeret, you are not out all of the time, otherwise you would not have been able to answer on this thing so promptly. While you were sitting poring over your computer, I was walking over Dartmoor, and catching up on the news on TV in the evenings.
Dec 8, 2007
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Margeret, you are not out all of the time, otherwise you would not have been able to answer on this thing so promptly. While you were sitting poring over your computer, I was walking over Dartmoor, and catching up on the news on TV in the evenings.
Hi Rob One,

As you say, we are not out all the time. However, I don't sit glued to the computer all of the time either!

The first time we took brand new 'van out, May '05, in Dorset, not far from home and there was the most awful thunder storm, large hailstones which damaged the 'van, new roof, offside wall and dents elsewhere. We had been nearly up to the axles with water and Easter just gone, whilst at Thirsk on the C&CC Folk Group rally, we had 3 and 4 inches of snow on the Saturday and Sunday.

We returned from 5 weeks away, ending up in Bellingham, Northumberland at end of June. It was the Brown Rigg School reunion which hubby wanted to attend.

Bye for now

Margaret W.


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