Leaving the heating on in winter

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Dec 12, 2015
In our older vans we had a small oil filled heater on low

With our new van we have left the heater on at 9º but we do tend to leave the caravan all packed and use it all year round also our kids use it for their music lessons. I must say even at just 9º the caravan feels nice and cozy.

I don't mind paying the little extra, after all my hobbies consume a lot of electric anyway with doing welding and stuff on my classic cars, we once had the electric company, ring up as they where worried they had miss read the meter and over charged us, she said it's the kind of reading we would expect from a small industrial unit :S
Jun 20, 2005
By choice I keep the caravan away from home. I have this personal thing that caravans at home advertise your absence to the tea leafs when you are away.
Do I heat the car on the drive ? No!
The caravan was allegedly designed to be ok in all weathers. Since 1978 my caravans have been outside unheated all year round. Providing all the usual drain down things and lockers left open etc I've never had any problems.
Dec 12, 2015
Dustydog said:
By choice I keep the caravan away from home. I have this personal thing that caravans at home advertise your absence to the tea leafs when you are away.

That raises a good point and one that bothered me over the years
Aug 25, 2011
My van is at home and never had the heating on during winter, it dose go on about a week before we go away early or late in the year. No one can see it when at home it's behind the house only time it is seen is when it is bought out to hitch up.

Our heater is made for central heating by electricity, the one I have is rated 250 whatts , it is rated at a surface temperature of 70º. Some days when away it is all that is needed, and it is in the washroom.

Oct 12, 2013
Our van lies cold in storage no heating on no mains till we get back on site had no problems yet and I wouldn't leave it at the house anyway because I live in a cul-de-sac with taxis in and out people would know that we were away.
Nov 16, 2015
Craig, you have to get to the Woosie Fest,, ( kids As far as I know are not banned) , we must be so alike, We also live in a cul de sac, . And keep our van in storage away from home. Get your gloves on mate. :lol:
Jun 20, 2005
EH52ARH said:
Craig, you have to get to the Woosie Fest,, ( kids As far as I know are not banned) , we must be so alike, We also live in a cul de sac, . And keep our van in storage away from home. Get your gloves on mate. :lol:
What an amazing coincidence. :evil:
I live in a 5 house cul de sac, van at mates farm and do the Woosiefest.
You'll have to check with His Royal Woosieness regarding kids. Not that we don't like them, all had em, but it all depends on the chosen Woosiefest site.


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