Leaving your pitch

Jun 14, 2019
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I've found lots of videos explaining how to set up on site.when leaving the site do I drain all the water from the caravan I know I empty toilet and waste and aqua roll will there be water to drain out of caravan and what switches do i need to switch off inside caravan . Sorry if I appear thick never done this before and don't want to get it wrong


Mar 14, 2005
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First of all switch off the mains electric (which is the opposite to setting up where you connect the mains electric AFTER filling the water system).
You have emptied the toilet, waste water container and aquaroll.
Now you need to drain any water still in the water system of the van, so open the yellow drain tap near the boiler and open each tap to the midway position.

For safety it is best to switch everything off, but if you need to keep the fridge cool on the way home, put that to the 12v position if you have that switch on your fridge or it will automatically switch to 12v when you connect to the car and the engine is running.
Mar 14, 2005
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If you intend to stop en route, and use the caravan for a meal, then make sure you have enough fresh water in a separate container to make hot drinks and to wash hands etc.

Don't forget to turn off the gas again before you recommence your journey.
Sep 5, 2016
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I'm a switch off and empty it person, I've seen some people not even empty their toilet cassette before they leave site,
Nov 11, 2009
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Some later Swift group caravans require you to switch off everything as stated above BUT to press the small 12 v supply switch in on the EC power supply unit. If you have the owners manual it will explain where the switch is. Mine is a 2012-13 model and requires the above. What van and year is yours?
Feb 23, 2018
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One thing that doesn't seem to be often discussed is what happens to the drain-down water.

When I turn off the water pump and heating/hot-water then open the yellow tap; hot water from the boiler is discharged onto the ground. Not a problem in my opinion if one is on hardstanding, but if you're on a grass pitch, this could kill the grass. I have taken to positioning the Wastemaster under the van when the tap is opened, but it's not obvious where the water comes out in my van.
Oct 12, 2013
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Well when you open the drain valve *** out and have a look , it will be fairly obvious ! :p mine is more or less under where I open the yellow tap . I don't empty on the grass I normally wait till I'm nearly on the road then as I'm bout to pull away open valve.
Sep 5, 2016
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When I drain the toilet flush that does in a bucket and in to the grey waste water dispoal, can't see a proplem with the water from the yellow drain down being drained on the pitch unless there is another sign saying 'don't drain down on the pitch', it's only water,
Jan 19, 2002
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I aslo switch off the water heater in good time to allow the heater and content to cool before draining.
Usually the water heater is in the front o/s corner of the van, and if left full is extra weight to tow home, but also can cause instability adding to noseweight and l/r imbalance.
I tend to leave a small amount of 'blue' in the loo and the hatch slighty ajar when travelling to facilitate stops en route if needed!
May 24, 2014
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Turn the hot water off and run some cold into the boiler, then turn the pump off before draining down. Simples.

Empty cassette and recharge with blue. Leave two pints in flush for emergencies en route.

Shut down your electrics and disconnect. Swith fridge to battery. Turn off gas. Check aerial is down, windows latched, cupborads secure. Hitch up. Check lights n mirrors. Do a pitch walk.
Everyone will have their own routine.
Mar 24, 2014
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CustardAvenger said:
One thing that doesn't seem to be often discussed is what happens to the drain-down water.

When I turn off the water pump and heating/hot-water then open the yellow tap; hot water from the boiler is discharged onto the ground. Not a problem in my opinion if one is on hardstanding, but if you're on a grass pitch, this could kill the grass. I have taken to positioning the Wastemaster under the van when the tap is opened, but it's not obvious where the water comes out in my van.

I did see someone suggest that you should put your washing basin under the boiler drain to catch the hot water. then, when you have finished with the manual aspects of hitching up etc, you have some hot water to clean your hands, if required.
Nov 11, 2009
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Once saw a sign outside a porter loo against the inlet stand pipe. The sign said “ stop and drain c**k”. Well I hope we all do :)
Jun 1, 2019
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Beware of the character, that after only letting on with a nod all week, suddenly wants a deep and meaningful chat as soon as he sees you packing to leave!

He will distract you from your process and you will make a mistake! They do it on purpose, don't be afraid to tell them that you must get on. Do not continue to pack until they have left you!
Nov 16, 2015
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Tourer-Ted said:
Beware of the character, that after only letting on with a nod all week, suddenly wants a deep and meaningful chat as soon as he sees you packing to leave!

He will distract you from your process and you will make a mistake! They do it on purpose, don't be afraid to tell them that you must get on. Do not continue to pack until they have left you!

Oh one of those last week, nice but lonley young bloke with a dog, but on us getting ready to go , wanted a half hours chat. Yes double check stayes were all up .
May 7, 2012
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I would add to the advice given that for safety you should always unplug the electrics at the hook up point first and not the caravan, so that you are not carrying a live cable which could be fatal. Hooking up you attach the cable to the caravan first for the same reason.
If you are on a grass pitch do not drain hot water onto it as you can kill the grass. If you are emptying the water do make sure it has cooled down first. Normally the best bet is to turn off the water heater before you use the last lot of hot water so some cold is in the tank to cool it down.
There is not a lot of water in the hot tank, so it is doubtful if draining is needed, but it is up to you. Certainly the water in the fresh tank for the toilet is not going to make any difference and emptying that is a waste of time except in Winter.
Do not forget to switch the fridge to battery.
Oct 17, 2010
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Raywood said:
. Certainly the water in the fresh tank for the toilet is not going to make any difference and emptying that is a waste of time except in Winter..
I disagree. particularly, as most seem to be, at the back of the van. Seven ltrs of water sloshing about. 15.4 pound, (or there abouts) with load margins as low as they can be, it could be used for other items..
Mar 14, 2005
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Every Litre of water weighs 1kg, so if you are as tight s that on weight margins, draining may be the difference between legal or otherwise.

But are that close to your weight limits you really should be looking at more radical weight loss.
Oct 17, 2010
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But that is my Radical weight loss. I've since up rated, my van, before that, my personal effects payload was 121 kg With all liquids gone, the weight was used for other things. Now I'm in the position of having daylight between maximum and actual load.
Nov 16, 2015
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I am with Dave here, Empty the water heater, leave some loo water, for a rinse at a stop, the extra things you forget about, maybe putting the hookup cable in the caravan rather than the car, the electric drill in the van, awning pegs etc, they all add up and soon you could be 20 to 30 kg over your max weight, from what I have seen, when people de pitch, bikes, awnings chairs etc, I think there are a lot of over weight caravans moving around the country. .
May 24, 2014
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As for liquids, my onboard tank is smack bang at the front. Every litre goes straight to the noseweight. All fluids get drained except for the emergency two pints in the flush.

As for payload, my car is currently carrying one magnum and poles, one tall annex and poles, three chairs, one beach tent, one cadac, rock pegs and 4lb hamner, two g/sheets, pump, torque wrench, tool bag, multimeter, stacker box of food (mainly alcoholic), mains cable and some sundries.

Caravan has clothes, pots pans plates cutlery and fridge full. Wastemaster and Aquaroll. Tv.

Car heavy, van light is my motto.
Jun 20, 2005
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Thingy said:
Turn the hot water off and run some cold into the boiler, then turn the pump off before draining down. Simples.

Empty cassette and recharge with blue. Leave two pints in flush for emergencies en route.

Shut down your electrics and disconnect. Swith fridge to battery. Turn off gas. Check aerial is down, windows latched, cupborads secure. Hitch up. Check lights n mirrors. Do a pitch walk.
Everyone will have their own routine.
Thingy succinctly sets out exactly how it is. :cheer:
Well done my boy :)
May 7, 2012
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DaveA1 said:
Raywood said:
. Certainly the water in the fresh tank for the toilet is not going to make any difference and emptying that is a waste of time except in Winter..
I disagree. particularly, as most seem to be, at the back of the van. Seven ltrs of water sloshing about. 15.4 pound, (or there abouts) with load margins as low as they can be, it could be used for other items..

Dave, Our toilet flush holds far less than seven liters, about three, but is normally only part full and that should not make a real difference. I do clear the main water tank for longer trips, but not shorter ones. I do have over 180 kg payload to play with though and normally there are only two of us, so legal weight is less of an issue for us.


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