Leo McKinstry

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Mar 14, 2005
Unfortunately Lisa, in your anger, you display irrational traits which as a professional I would have though a danger in your profession.

No, I didn`t see his application. Did you? NO. Therefore you are unqualified to make the statement and judgement.

"If you pass the test you get in" By your statement you infer if you cross the line you are equal. Not so. If your, or indeed any profession does not employ THE BEST available (I passed my 11+, but I wasn`t the best) people particularly when they are funded by the tax payer, we all have a right to know why.

Unless you are saying that everyone is exactly as strong, brainy, resourceful,balanced and technically competent as each other once they have "passed the test".

In which case you are hoist by your own petard.
Of course I am Angus, you're right, I just run the station along with four watch managers.
Jan 19, 2008
Typical woman, I bet she's not speaking to me now and has gone off in a huff :O(

Then again she might be playing the good wifey and doing what comes naturally, getting her hubbies supper :O)


Mar 14, 2005
Remind me Angus, you're a lorry dirver right??

No, I did not see your bro in law's application form I would have thought that quite obvious, maybe he might have had a medical condition or didn't match the person spec along with the jd. Quite easy for the average jo to do that but you cannot fake fitness which is crutial to the job, along with other requirements.

Why are YOU so bitter and twisted about it, bringing in the arms services? Did you always want to drive a fire engine when you were a little boy?

You ARE implying the Fire Service is corrupt and that is not so and I take great offence at that and any firefighter with half an ounce of decency would agree with me too.



Mar 14, 2005
Hmmmm, Lisa's suggestion sounds good, the BNP :eek:)

Braykewyndes National Party has a certain ring to it :O)

Thank you Lisa ;O)
Get off your arse and do it then


Mar 14, 2005
Quote .. "the following types of people who shouldn't be allowed to join the plods":

That's most unlike you to be sooooo unpolitically correct Lisa. Plods, along with Big Ears, Three Little Pigs etc. have been confined to the PC dustbin a long time ago ... heh! heh! heh!
STOP IT RIGHT THERE, I'm going on the Pride march in a couple of weeks. Only to take photos mind.



Mar 14, 2005
I'm going to investigate whether 'positive discrimination' still exists as when I was in the voluntary sector, it did. It wasn't illegal then and I will be highly surprised if it is illegal now.

But, having said that, I'm only a woman so what do I know?



Mar 14, 2005
Yes I have finished for tonight LB, how about you?

If I were retired like you are and had such strong feelings, I'd be doing summat about it.

The sad fact is, my life is just so full at the moment, it's impossible for me to take on any other committments. Planning applications would be high on my agenda.



Mar 14, 2005
I am glad it is time for bed, maybe the participants can have a good nights rest and come back to debate in a sensible manner instead of this topic starting to go the same way as many in the past.

Please keep comments general and not start the "personal" attitudes
Mar 13, 2007
hi all

sorry people but positive discrimination has ALLWAYS been a acceptable way of recruting in the uk and to say it is not is nonsense.

when i joined the NCB as a 15yo school leaver your dad or brother or uncle got you a form you sent it in, and yep you got a job if you did not have a relative at the pit forget it, that was positive discrimination, ok it was not based on creed or colour (sex did not come into it)but discrimination just the same.

after leaving the industry in 85 I went to work at a glass works it was a hard hot dirty job with poor pay but with 1000s of miners and manufacuring workers comming out of work, jobs were hard to get (thanks to maggie) the workforce then comprised of 95% black or asian with only the bosses being 100% white, as one work mate put it "sometimes I feel like a bloody domino" however as more white workers were prepared to do the job more came in and the ethnics were eased out,(more discrimination) by the time I left there in 2002, 99% of the workforce was white. and yes most of the people that worked there had family members at the same site,(yet more discrimination).

I understand from someone who still works there that the new mix consists of 60% eastern europeans now all set on with new contracts that doesn't contain pensions, company sick pay and on minimum holiday entitlement and with no unions,all for less pay than when I left,"just about sums up the state of the country don't it".

both lisa and angus have a valid points although with opposing views, discrimination still does exit in this country and is legal if it is described in a certain way and no the best people do not allways get the jobs as employers can legaly filter out candidates that come from certain backgrounds by insisting that other candidates are more suited to the company needs,and is now the standard format for application refusals wether it be a glassworks the fire service or a supermarket chain.

Jan 19, 2008
Good morning Lisa, are you there????

I bet she's still getting her hubbies brekkie and doing the washing up :O) She's such a good wifey, worth her weight in gold .... heh! heh! heh!
Aug 25, 2006
Morning All!

Sorry to disappoint Lisa, but I`m not a lorry driver, never have been, and have no desire to be.

I have, however dealt with the fire service and been appalled at the way that some of its employees see the service as hobby to do when they aren`t doing something else.

Many years ago, I inherited a substantial (but remote) depot with two mysterious `employees` by the names of F.Pigg and A.Trotter (really). Never having seen said individuals, I asked a few questions, to be told that these were "stand-in" drivers to be called in at short notice if a regular employee "blobbed".

Anyway, turns out they were firemen, nothing wrong with that in principle, but I then told them we wouldn`t be using them anymore as I needed to make sure they were available if needed, and obviously if they were `on-duty` they were no good to me.

Not so! Apparently what happened was that you rang their home, their wives rang the station saying they were ill, and the men came "home". Not happy with this, I contacted the station officer, whose response was along the lines of "what do you expect me to do, we`ve all done it and I can`t stop it now".

I also have several other personal instances of firepersons "taking the mick" whilst on full pay, and yes from my personal experience I have little time for them.

BUT, this isn`t what this thread is about (although hopefully I`ve clarified my position - matter now closed), but I still feel that `positive descrimination` no matter how it is dressed up is, and will prove to be, bad for us.

As I`m unlikely to be able to afford to emigrate, I would like to be able to live without seeing fighting in the streets.
Mar 26, 2008
I'm now concerned that my neices may have been damaged in some way as they watched theis when they were a little younger.

Should we campaign for it to be changed to Firepersonsam? Sam is male, is this PC enough for todays children.

I would be quite happy to be a Firewoman or an Actress, nothing wrong with being man or woman as long as you get a fair chance at getting and doing a job.

I've yet to hear of anyone saying call for a police person. Utter nonsense, Policeman or Policewoman is fine to most right minded people.


Mar 14, 2005
Angus, are you the Angus who has been on here for at least a couple of years and lives in Scotland and posted a pic of himself with his little dog?

Jan 19, 2008
Surely that programme isn't still being televised Sadie?

It really should be stopped, it has damaged a generation of our children already, just think of the poor little darlings of the future and how it will alter their perception of life.

Unless they can sub-title it Firefighter Sam I think Sam should go the same way as Punch & Judy (violence)or any other childrens nursery rhyme or bedtime story that has been banned.

I'm not a Jeremy Clarkson fan but for those who are anti PC he sums it up admirably at ....

Another excellent article by Christopher Biggins .....

For those who find it more unbelieveable everyday what the managers etc. of different services will pander to to please their paymasters, the Labour Government go to ....

....... and sign their petition, I have just done it :O)

Not that it will make any difference until the worse government in living history is part of history themselves although I don't believe much will change under Cameron :O(
May 25, 2008
In view of the some of the issues in this thread a little light hearted banter maybe required !!!!!!!!!!!!

How many men does it take to open a beer?

None. It should be opened when she brings it.


Why is a Laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman?

Because a woman who can't even afford a washing machine will probably never be able to support you.


Why do women have smaller feet than men?

It's one of those 'evolutionary things' that allows

Them to stand closer to the kitchen sink.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------

How do you know when a woman is about to say something smart?

When she starts a sentence with 'A man once told me...'


How do you fix a woman's watch?

You don't There is a clock on the oven.


Why do men pass gas more than women?

Because women can't shut up long enough to

Build up the required pressure.


If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first?

The dog, of course. He'll shut up once you let him in.


What's worse than a Male Chauvinist Pig?

A woman who won't do what she's told


I married a Miss Right.

I just didn't know her first name was Always.

-------------------------------------------------------! ------------

Scientists have discovered a food that diminishes a woman's sex drive by 90%.

It's called a Wedding Cake

---------------------------------------------! ----------------------

Why do men die before their wives?

They want to.


Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.


In the beginning, God created the earth and rested.

Then God created Man and rested.

Then God created Woman.

Since then, neither God nor Man has rested.


Send this to a few good men who need a laugh and to the select few women who can handle the truth!


Mar 14, 2005
Thanks for clarifying Angus, I thought some of your replies were out of character for the Angus who used to post on here. My mistake.

Jan 19, 2008
Angus, are you the Angus who has been on here for at least a couple of years and lives in Scotland and posted a pic of himself with his little dog?

I've been looking again at your posts Lisa and you have said 1 cr*p, 2 ar$e$ and 5 bl**dy's.

Could you please now go and sit in the corner and gargle with Holy maids water.

My grandchildren are coming today and it's cost me a lot of time using my monitor eraser so that they don't see those words because the sweet little angels could get corrupted. It is my wish that they stay sweet little angels and become pure and polite like their grandfather :O)
Aug 25, 2006
Surely that programme isn't still being televised Sadie?

It really should be stopped, it has damaged a generation of our children already, just think of the poor little darlings of the future and how it will alter their perception of life.

Unless they can sub-title it Firefighter Sam I think Sam should go the same way as Punch & Judy (violence)or any other childrens nursery rhyme or bedtime story that has been banned.

I'm not a Jeremy Clarkson fan but for those who are anti PC he sums it up admirably at ....

Another excellent article by Christopher Biggins .....

For those who find it more unbelieveable everyday what the managers etc. of different services will pander to to please their paymasters, the Labour Government go to ....

....... and sign their petition, I have just done it :O)

Not that it will make any difference until the worse government in living history is part of history themselves although I don't believe much will change under Cameron :O(
I signed up a good few years ago L.B.

Might not make any difference, but it proves I`m not in minority of one.
Jan 19, 2008
In view of the some of the issues in this thread a little light hearted banter maybe required !!!!!!!!!!!!

How many men does it take to open a beer?

None. It should be opened when she brings it.


Why is a Laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman?

Because a woman who can't even afford a washing machine will probably never be able to support you.


Why do women have smaller feet than men?

It's one of those 'evolutionary things' that allows

Them to stand closer to the kitchen sink.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------

How do you know when a woman is about to say something smart?

When she starts a sentence with 'A man once told me...'


How do you fix a woman's watch?

You don't There is a clock on the oven.


Why do men pass gas more than women?

Because women can't shut up long enough to

Build up the required pressure.


If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first?

The dog, of course. He'll shut up once you let him in.


What's worse than a Male Chauvinist Pig?

A woman who won't do what she's told


I married a Miss Right.

I just didn't know her first name was Always.

-------------------------------------------------------! ------------

Scientists have discovered a food that diminishes a woman's sex drive by 90%.

It's called a Wedding Cake

---------------------------------------------! ----------------------

Why do men die before their wives?

They want to.


Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.


In the beginning, God created the earth and rested.

Then God created Man and rested.

Then God created Woman.

Since then, neither God nor Man has rested.


Send this to a few good men who need a laugh and to the select few women who can handle the truth!
Heh! heh! you're taking a chance, Lisa has a fair wallop.
Aug 25, 2006
Thanks for clarifying Angus, I thought some of your replies were out of character for the Angus who used to post on here. My mistake.

No problem.

Hope we can all agree to disagree without it getting personal.

May 25, 2008
How is this for a bit of plain English speak London Fire Service web site

Political Restriction of Posts

Please note that by virtue of sections 1 to 3 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, some posts are classified as politically restricted under the 1989 Act. In general, you can assume that posts graded at MG7, PO3, PO2, PO1, Head of Service, or Director will be classified as restricted, and those at grade MG8 may be.

Amongst other implications, this means that the postholder cannot stand for election to a range of public bodies, act as an election agent for candidates for such elections, canvass on behalf of a candidate or a political party or speak in public (or publish material) in apparent support of a political party.

Details of the restrictions which apply, and of other posts within the Authority which are politically restricted, can be provided if requested. The restrictions are imposed by legislation and the Authority cannot vary them. However, certain employees, particularly those whose post is restricted purely because of the level of remuneration, may be able to obtain exemption from an external Independent Adjudicator.


Mar 14, 2005
Thanks for clarifying Angus, I thought some of your replies were out of character for the Angus who used to post on here. My mistake.

Yea, I'll go with that Angus. Sorry if I got a bit heavy last night.



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