How is this for a bit of plain English speak London Fire Service web site
Political Restriction of Posts
Please note that by virtue of sections 1 to 3 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, some posts are classified as politically restricted under the 1989 Act. In general, you can assume that posts graded at MG7, PO3, PO2, PO1, Head of Service, or Director will be classified as restricted, and those at grade MG8 may be.
Amongst other implications, this means that the postholder cannot stand for election to a range of public bodies, act as an election agent for candidates for such elections, canvass on behalf of a candidate or a political party or speak in public (or publish material) in apparent support of a political party.
Details of the restrictions which apply, and of other posts within the Authority which are politically restricted, can be provided if requested. The restrictions are imposed by legislation and the Authority cannot vary them. However, certain employees, particularly those whose post is restricted purely because of the level of remuneration, may be able to obtain exemption from an external Independent Adjudicator.