Let's clean up the forum

Mar 16, 2005
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I'm sure everyone has been watching the antics of a few forum users - who may not be using this forum in the way it was intended!

The main complaints made by the majority of users mainly concern the hi-jacking of serious threads, which then deteriorate into pointless bickering.

Another cause for concern is the way a few forum users cannot conduct a debate without resorting to personal abuse and insult.

Then came the icing on the cake when a couple of users changed their nickname to that of other users (including the Moderator!) for reasons we can only guess at. Enough is enough!

From now on I would ask all contributors to stay strictly on target when responding to a thread, even resisting the temptation to throw in a witty remark.

Those who want to engage in banter or debate issues not covered by the other forum titles should do so in the Chit Chat forum. Still observing forum etiquette, naturally.
Mar 16, 2005
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Agree with the above but wonder what happened to the thread I started JohnG etc ??
I cut two threads about name cloning because they, like so many others, deteriorated into bickering. Sorry if some serious posts were lost. I did make a separate new post to explain how the cloning was possible, and that the loop-hole is being fixed.
Mar 14, 2005
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Thank you Moderator for explaining the missing thread

I find the way you are conducting these problems to be most diplomatic in the face of adversity.Regards John


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