Mar 14, 2005
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I don't think it matters were you are - if your numbers up your numbers up. Stop worrying about it the odds are that nothing will hap...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ****** THAT HURT!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Matthew,

The reason that you are generally quite safe in car, is that you are basically sitting inside a steel cage (unlike those of use who have Renault Espaces or Relient Robins). Intense electrical charges such as lightening prefer to travel around the outside of metal objects (The Faraday cage effect) on their way to the ground. most modern tyres have a significant amount of carbon in them which allows the lightening to track to the ground.

Most caravans still employ aluminium skins to the walls but a fair number now have plastic roofs, so they may not be quites as safe as a car. I would be interested to read of any testing done to establish a caravans Resistance to lightening.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Matthew, I would not worry about it, we been in thunder storm+ lighting, was on hoilday two week ago, had the worst storm ever in twenty two years of caravanning, was fast asleep it was the dogs that woke us up, look out the window saw half of England lit up, Boy the thunder+lighting was above the van for two hours on +off, so enjoy your caravanning what ever the weather is. Trevor
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi, I too am a worrier!!! I have thought this through as we were in astorm at the last bank holiday & it focuses the mind somewhat. I reckon the car as the van has metal legs touching the ground. Cars rest on rubber so the charge would pass round the shell - much safer!
Mar 14, 2005
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Matthew, The reason you are safe in the car shell is because as it acts, in technical terms, as a 'Faradays Cage' that is the electricity stays on the outside. The current has no path to ground because of the tyres. In a caravan you are pratically as safe as the only points of contact are the steady legs. Of course things like awning legs and electric cable to the site hook up complicate matters but as long as you stay in the van you should be ok even if it were to be struck. The shape of the caravan helps because the lightning tends to strike high points like house chimneys and church spires.

A word of warning do not get out of the car or caravan because whilst holding onto the car or caravan the current travelling to ground through your body could kill you. A friend of my sisters was killed in the Dordogne a number of years ago when he got up in the night and left his van to have a pee in the hedge during a heavy storm.
Mar 14, 2005
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You're safe enough I reckon. We had a real stonker while at the Land Rover Monthly/Heritage Motor Centre Show at Gaydon, last bank holiday. Wasn't bothered in the least even sitting on top of a big old hill like that. The river running through the awning was a nice touch too. Makes you glad you're not tenting!


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