Little green tool

Feb 9, 2009
Just back from a week at the East of England show ground in Peterborough after helping at a Championship dog show.
Went to hook up but the plugs would not connect. The pins had moved. No problem I though just get out the little green tool and turn the pins, then remembered the wife made me leave the main tool kit at home as she says I take everything bar the kitchen sink.
Still about a dozen caravans left on site so I asked around and got funny looks as no one knew what I was talking about. Then I struck it lucky as a friend knew exactly what I was talking about and had the little green tool. So by trial and error, in the dark, managed to reline the pins.
The motto is keep the little green tool in the van not the tool kit.
As the fault is a known fault have the manufacturers fixed it on new caravans?
Nov 11, 2009
FrintonMike said:
Just back from a week at the East of England show ground in Peterborough after helping at a Championship dog show.
Went to hook up but the plugs would not connect. The pins had moved. No problem I though just get out the little green tool and turn the pins, then remembered the wife made me leave the main tool kit at home as she says I take everything bar the kitchen sink.
Still about a dozen caravans left on site so I asked around and got funny looks as no one knew what I was talking about. Then I struck it lucky as a friend knew exactly what I was talking about and had the little green tool. So by trial and error, in the dark, managed to reline the pins.
The motto is keep the little green tool in the van not the tool kit.
As the fault is a known fault have the manufacturers fixed it on new caravans?

As my towbar fitting removed the cars cross member (and it’s towing hole) I need to keep my towball in the car to aid a rear recovery. So the green tool stays in the towball bag in the rear of the car. The Powertouch spare key stays there too.
Oct 17, 2010
I have a tupperware box, in the van, that holds the spare thing-a-mi-jigs and the little green tool qualifies for a space in there.
Oct 12, 2013
Not that I've needed it for ages but ours stops in the glove box , and the spare keys to the caravan are permanently where my jack and spare wheel are .
Jul 20, 2016
Mines attached to my motor mover remote! I must admit I have not had to use it yet tho and had my new caravan since July.
Oct 12, 2013
jamestaylor18 said:
Mines attached to my motor mover remote! I must admit I have not had to use it yet tho and had my new caravan since July.

I've only used mine once or twice about 5 years ago when we had our Bailey Orion and 13 pin socket was a push in socket not a twist like what is on our new one like yours , hopefully will never need to use it again , but is always handy if someone else needs it . :)
May 7, 2012
We have it in the boot. I had read about them before we got a caravan with the thirteen pin plug so bought one when we got the caravan. The cost was less than a pound so no problem on cost. The only time we used it was the first time with a new car when we had disconnected the convertor we had used before. The plug baffled us initially as uncoupling the convertor had moved the pins, but another caravan owner kindly helped and we were on our way fairly quickly.
It is an essential bit of gear though, so if you have the thirteen pin plugs you do need it, although you can borrow mine if you are next to me. Sods law says though that if you need one you will be on the only site where no one else has one.
Feb 23, 2018
*13 Pin Plug Alignment Tool B)

Mine is blue... and came with the caravan. I seemingly need to use it every time I hitch up. The locating notch always seems to have rotated after a period of storage.

I have a 13 to 7 pin adapter for my old caravans 12N plug. Never had an issue with that being misaligned.
Sep 4, 2017
I fail to see the need for a little green tool. My plug is a twist one and if for any reason the thing turns out of alignment I just hold the cable and turn the sheath to the right position. The cable is rigid with the pin section. The case turns.
Sep 29, 2016
Grey13 said:
I fail to see the need for a little green tool. My plug is a twist one and if for any reason the thing turns out of alignment I just hold the cable and turn the sheath to the right position. The cable is rigid with the pin section. The case turns.

I have a little green tool :blink: .

But that is very handy to know Grey.


BTW, would you be up for a spring Woosie meet? Perhaps we could petition the King if we have a few indications of interest. Think we have at least 3 at the moment.
Sep 29, 2016
WayneS said:
Sorry to ask but what is this little tool and what is it for?

No need to be sorry for asking WayneS, it is what all of us on here do when we need an answer to a question.

None of us know everything, and this forum is great for a help out when we need it. I have asked and found help many a time.
Sep 16, 2018
Craigyoung said:

It's one of these for when your plug doesn't quite insert properly into your car plug when you need to twist your pins around so all lines up ....

Thank you!! Now I know what that green thing in the locker is for. And yes we have one if anyone near us needs it
Oct 12, 2016
So THATS what its for!! I thought it was one of those things removed from the caravan during PDI. Never had to use it on the last three caravans. On the couple of occasions it didn't quite line up I just twisted the cable to straighten it all up.
Nov 16, 2015
It can also be used to keep the plug dry, when your pitched up and the weather is bad.
Mar 8, 2009
Good explanation of 'The little green tool' here. (nothing personal!)
Jun 26, 2017
A couple of quick comments on this one ...

First of all, my “little green tool” is blue.

Second, I always connect this over the end of the Caravan’s plug when not towing. In other words, the plug is either connected to the socket on the car, or to the “little green” blue socket, and tucked neatly away under the protection of the hitch cover. I have a couple of reasons for that. The first one is that there is a rubber seal on the internal face of the “little green” blue socket which means that the pins are completely sealed from the elements at all times, which can only be a good thing, and second, the receptacle provided on the plastic A-frame moulding is positioned in an area that is not covered by the tow hitch cover, meaning that leaving the plug here completely exposes the assembly to the elements. I know it’s upside down, with the pins facing downwards, but there are holes in the bottom of the receptacle, and the top of the plug where the cable enters is also exposed. Of course this “should” be sealed and water tight if all is well, but why leave the whole assembly exposed to the elements, and more importantly, the pins exposed to moisture which is of course a catalyst for corrosion.

Whilst this piece of equipment is useful for realigning the pins inside the plug, it is not merely a tool, it is a protective cap, and naturally, after removing the protective cap in anticipation of connecting the plug to the car, the pins are always perfectly aligned.

It seems like a no-brainer to me ? :dry:
Oct 17, 2010
Icaru5 said:
A couple of quick comments on this one ...

First of all, my “little green tool” is blue.


Mines very green. Seems there is more than one colour. :) :)
Nov 6, 2006
When the van is stored, just fit the green cap to the 13 pin plug! It's got a waterproof seal to keep damp out too. When you remove it, the plug is guaranteed to fit as well.
Aug 14, 2014
I use the green tool all the time - whenever my caravan is unhitched I connect it to the caravan plug rather than just stowing the plug in the A-Frame recess. The green thing has a rubber seal so keeps moisture out.
Sep 10, 2014
I've only been towing for 4 years so am a novice. I've always stowed my 13 pin socket in the "A" frame hole provided,,never knew that this problem could occur.
I'm going to get one of these gadgets asap.
Aug 14, 2014
I use it more just to keep moisture out - I can actually just twist the cable on my plug to realign the connector if it rotates
Jun 11, 2012
It is so easy when unplugging just to twist the plug out of line. Good practice is on unhooking let the socket push the plug out .Life lots easier with the green thing if i does happen.
Jun 17, 2011
I bought the tool some years ago after I had to realign the pins a couple of times. Since buying it never had to use it. The new caravan came with one so now have 2! A technician showed me how to remove the plug and keep it aligned. Gently twist anti-clockwise until the socket clicks out. Pull out.


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