The other day on my way to work travelling to Worcester on the A44. I got to a notorious accident blackspot by the new barn conversions at Broadwas and found the most stupid thing going on.
About a mile or so back a couple of motor bikes past me, pulling wheelies as they accelerated upto at least twice the national speed limit. Then as I arrived at these sharp "S" bends at Broadwas, I found a couple of chaps lay down in the grass with vidieo camera's in hand, then I come upon the two bikers turning round in the road just after the last bend.
Yep by now you've guessed it. They were having "posey vidieo's" made to show off to their mates just how cool they are!!
May be a body on ice in the morgue would show them just how "cool" life gets when this sort of stupidity goes wrong on the public highway.
You see, by the speed they left me I would estimate they were cornering at around 90mph and would of been on the wrong side of the road going through the corner which would leave them blind to any on coming car.
This sort of "peg tapping " dropping the bike as low as possible stuff, should be reserved for track days at the local race track, not on the public highway only an hour or so before the school bus drop's children off in the same spot.
Now as I've said in a previous post, I do enjoy speed myself, but on a test track. And yes I can drive car's and motor bikes at in excess of 150Mph, but in the right place. I can beat any car or bike driven by joe public off the traffic lights when the green shows, even in my 1100cc Renault 5, as I have good reaction time to traffic lights, because thats one of the competative sports I did. (drag racing). But after the first 20mtrs I get left behind, as that is what it takes for me to reach 30mph in a 47Bhp car. ( see speed isn't the B all and end all for me)
Staying safe is though.