Loss of mains power

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Nov 16, 2015
xtrailman said:
Craigyoung said:
Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of chargers going on the blink at the minute ?! could it be possibly the heat burning them out like what happened to us ?

Probably, the way Bailey fit their chargers inside the PDU doesn't help, my new Swift has the charger fitted externally and is of a better quality.

You don't actually need the charger on in this hot weather IME, just solar panel will keep the battery topped up, I have just been away for 6 days with out the charger on apart from the night before departure, and the charger didn't have to do a deal to be honest.

I have swift command so can monitor the solar current etc on my App.

In my Coachman I don't have a solar panel, I have only used EHU, and even at 38c in the south of France have never had a problem, once my Power unit hits a certain temp or power draw the fan on the power unit kicks in, I must admit it would be better if it had a separate air vent, maybe a mod for myself to do.
Jun 20, 2005
That’s very interesting about the situation of the charger.
On all my Swifts, Elddis and Baileys they have been under the front seat. Never had a problem. Can’t say my current Bailey has a fan. Should it??
Caravans fitted with the Nordelectronica units did and will have problems. It’s history cast in stone.
Why would the ambient temperature be a problem?
Mar 10, 2006
Dustydog said:
That’s very interesting about the situation of the charger.
On all my Swifts, Elddis and Baileys they have been under the front seat. Never had a problem. Can’t say my current Bailey has a fan. Should it??
Caravans fitted with the Nordelectronica units did and will have problems. It’s history cast in stone.
Why would the ambient temperature be a problem?

Depending on the unit the cooling fan will only cut in at above 8 amps to 12 amp, its not often that the draw is that high, only the older units were temperature controlled for the fan cooling. removing the charger from the PDU and mounting it such that air can circulate all round including the back is a big help. My last two Baileys the PSU was both working at 7 years and 6.
Mar 14, 2005
xtrailman said:
A rcd will only trip on the test button provided its got a supply to it.

It depends on the design of the RCD.

Admittedly all the UK caravan RCDs I have seen do require power to enable the trip, but I have seen some foreign units that trip if the power is disconnected. These always need to be manually reset whenever you connect a supply, rather like the plug in RCDs found on cable extensions.
Mar 10, 2006
I'm well aware of the different types of alternatives being available being a retired electrical technician.

However my answer was directed at answering a specific question about a RCD used in a caravan.

There is no need to demonstrate how clever you are.
Nov 11, 2009
xtrailman said:
I'm well aware of the different types of alternatives being available being a retired electrical technician.

However my answer was directed at answering a specific question about a RCD used in a caravan.

There is no need to demonstrate how clever you are.

I think that Prof John was making a perfectly valid point regarding differences on how U.K. and foreign vans may have different approaches to RCD actuation.
Your final sentence is superfluous and unnecessarily impolite. Personal attacks aren’t conducive to a positive Forum.
Jun 20, 2005
As the one who asked more about RCDs, and having caravanned for years I just wanted a better understanding of the inter relationship between the EHU RCD and those in the caravan. Thank you Prof and Xtrailman for giving me easily understandable answers :)
Mar 27, 2011
This topic has followed the same course that topics generally follow when it gets discussed to the nth degree, this problem as described by the OP is pretty much impossible to get to the bottom of unless the OP has a full understanding of the electrics in his caravan, in which case he would probably have little need to ask the question to start with, so what happens is it gets churned over and over and more often than not ends in bickering comments that do little if anything to help the OP, is it just an impression I’m getting or do other people think that petty squabbles are definitely starting to detract from the pleasure of browsing this forum.



Nov 12, 2009
It's all too easy for a post that may or may not have been tongue in cheek to be misinterpreted on internet forums because text doesn't convey tone of voice or facial expression.
Technical queries can and do bring forth different facets of what at first seems like basic information.
We all have the same aim, to try to help a tourer owner over some difficulty so let's calm down and move on, thanks. :)
Mar 10, 2006
I always try to give simple answers to questions, a question asked by someone is generally asked because they need help, and I don't think its helpful by showing how clever I am, or by how much knowledge I have of other things not related to the original question.

It just confuses people.


Nov 12, 2009
If you're referring to an earlier point made by the Prof, aside from the O.P. a secondary question was asked by Dustydog which the Prof replied to.
If you're confused just move on to something simpler, but please don't aim barbed comments at others, especially after I've appealed for everyone to stay calm and to move on.
Nov 16, 2015
A few years ago I hooked up to a site in Devon, No power, 12 volts only. Cheched every thing Swapped EhU cables , I had a spare one, still no power, got out electric tester, No power, something defiantly wrong, we were on A Cand c site where the EHU plug had to be twisted to get the power on. :huh: my fault three hours wasted before the first beer. Simple thing can be overlooked.


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