My name is quite unusual, and it could give a clue!
Thank you Frank, at least you seem to get my point and share a similar line of thought. I've been Mrs much longer than I was Miss and travelling with the "job" we have been foreigners in other countries much ogf my life.
I see nothing wrong with the term, our daughters partner is Italian and she lives near Modena and our wayward sons partner is of mixed French West Indies extract.
My kids do not even have British passports and have never lived in the UK for any length of time and they do not have English accents as my daugthers first language is Italian and my sons French/German then Italian.
Xenophobia is used as a cheap shot by to many people today rather than except an alternative view or the simple truth.
No offense meant, but I find being called Xonophobic by some one who does not know me quite uncalled for.