Medical Terms Explained

Jan 19, 2008
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Explanation of Medical terms in Ebonics

Artery......................The study of paintings.

Benign.....................What you be after you be eight.

Bacteria....................Back door to cafeteria.

Barium.....................What doctors do when patients die.

Cesarean Section.....A neighborhood in Rome.

Catscan....................Searching for Kitty.

Cauterize.................Made eye contact with her.

Colic.......................A sheep dog.

Coma......................A punctuation mark.

D&C.......................Where Washington is.

Dilate......................To live long.

Enema.....................Not a friend.

Fester......................Quicker than someone else.

Fibula......................A small lie.

Genital....................Non-Jewish person.

G.I.Series................World Series of military baseball.

Hangnail..................What you hang your coat on.

Impotent..................Distinguished, well known.

Labor Pain...............Getting hurt at work.

Medical Staff...........A Doctor's cane.

Morbid.....................A higher offer than I bid.

Nitrates....................Cheaper than day rates.

Node........................I knew it.

Outpatient................A person who has fainted.

Pap Smear................A fatherhood test.

Pelvis........................Second cousin to Elvis.

Post Operative..........A letter carrier.

Recovery Room........Place to do upholstery.

Rectum......................Darn near killed him.

Secretion...................Hiding something.

Seizure.....................Roman emperor.

Tablet.......................A small table.

Terminal Illness.......Getting sick at the airport.

Tumor.......................More than one.

Urine.........................Opposite of you're out
Jan 19, 2008
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Heres some I've just made :O)

Blood clot ............... a thick relative

Womb.............the sound a car makes with a lisp

Eyeball.............Batsmans nightmare

Ovum........the place you might see an eyeball

Testes........played at the Ovum where eyeballs can be seen

Intestine.... rain stop play at a testes to see your funeral

Cranium .... a baby crane

Anesthesia....... a Russian princess

Lumen .... Sanitory Inspectors

Ganglia...........more taller

Faeces....... two or more faces


Alkaloid........ a drunken haemorroid

Rectal.....having damaging mood swings

A Mammary...... A Pre Natal clinic

Mammary .... female mammoth

Castration......applying a plaster cast

Catabolism......a cats faeces

Cervical.....employed as a maid/butler

Herpes Zosta .... a Mexican fast food seller

Herpes Simplex...... a stupid Mexican fast food seller

Comatose..............numbness in the lower extremities

Cornea........even worse than the last joke

Corpus Luteum........ robbing the dead

Cranial.... relating to the raising of masses

Cross Resistance........ the French Maquis

Cuteaneous.........nicely shaped rump

Decongestant.... London traffic charging

Defaecation.........libelous statements of character

Dental plaque.........annual award to the person with the most gold fillings

Retardation........a school for delinquents

Depigmentation......a Jewish slaughterhouse for porcine animals


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