Men only Forum

Jul 11, 2005
Why not ?

Then we can talk about mens things !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Women can have their own Forum, they can talk about cooking, washing, housework and how to please us men.

What do you say ???

Edd [with his old helmet on ]


The 'Hate Police' will be at your door in no time to drag you off for reconditioning, or something like that.

It is curious, the women here in Hungary all try to look as great as possible and feel getting a bloke is a high point of life. What went wrong in the UK I wonder??
Jan 3, 2007
I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay

I sleep all night and I work all day

He's a lumberjack and he's okay

He sleeps all night and he works all day

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch

I go to the lavat'ry

On Wednesdays I go shopping

And have buttered scones for tea

He cuts down trees and he's okay

He's a lumberjack and he's okay

I cut down trees, I skip and jump

I love to press wild flow'rs

I put on women's clothing

And hang around in bars

He cuts down trees and he's okay

He's a lumberjack and he's okay

I cut down trees, I wear high heels

Suspendies and a bra

I wish I'd been a girlie

Just like my dear papa


He cuts down trees and he's okay

He's a lumberjack and he's okay

WAHH! And I thought real men were so RUGGED!

thanks to the Monty Python team....
May 12, 2006

I'm all for having women on the forum as long as they remember their place " Bare Foot and Pregnant oh and Tied to the Kitchen Sink.

Only joking I think women are wonderful can't speak for the other men on the Forum, but I never did fancy cuddling up to a guy.



Mar 17, 2007
What "men things" do men talk about after football? It'll soon dissolve into the forum equivalent of drinking competions and car comparisons which as everyone knows are thinly disguised substitutes for "my genitals are better than yours"
May 20, 2006
dont me get started on sexism.

women want to be treated equally and expect the same deals as us, so when we dont hold a door open we are pigs.

women want the same jobs as us yet when they have to lift a heavy box they get a man to do it.

women want to be treated like men but they can hit you and you cant hit them back. (although i hate violence of any sort)

women have their own insurance companies for women drivers, lets see men try that, we would be dragged round the courts.

women get to wear mens clothes, yet whenever we wear womens clothes.... ooer! (not me though, lol)

women say that they are safer drivers and have less crashes, pretty obvious when we have to park and reverse for them.

god, dont get me started on sexism, men are the inferior species for putting up with all this crap.

lets have a mens only forum is a top idea, lets have it for a day until the women boycot it, close it then have their own forum and believe that to be totally acceptable.


Mar 14, 2005
A men only forum is an excellent idea, go ahead and start one. O'd I'd so much love to type my reasons why but I'd get banned. It's killing me not being able to post my thoughts. LOL!

May 12, 2006
Jesus Mike Ace

I thought I was risking it !!!

Go on then Lisa dare you, double dare you.

Mod 1 needs to be on s/by for LMH,

And I'm not signing this post


Mar 14, 2005
Sorry can't do that but I would bet a million pounds I could pick the main topics of discussion on the new forum. LOL!

Nov 26, 2006
Such a shame that so many men are so insecure that they can't cope with the modern world without whinging and running off to hide in their own little safe ghetto.

Be confidant in your own talents and don't worry because sometimes a woman is better at some "male" activity than you are.

Personally, I am as good a cook as most people (of either sex) - and I enjoy it, so I do all the cooking in our house.

Mrs Fogey is way better at decorating, and quite a lot of other DIY, particularly brick laying and plastering.

I am knowledgeable about PC's - but she used to run a bank of Unix servers before we retired.

If I reach a door first, I hold it open for whoever is following me, but if a woman reaches it first and holds it for me, I do not feel embarased or demeaned.

Get with the age guys, relax and enjoy. The modern woman is much better company than the old tied to the kitchen sink model.


There are room for both.

On a holiday in Greece not so long ago my wife and walked the sea front and found all the old men sitting at a cafe playing dominos and 'gabbing' for want of a better word. Where were the women? 2 cafes along, they were all there sitting at tables and guess what? were 'gabbing'.

What caused some of the problems was the antics of the 'feminine brigade' in years gone by, who decided that anything that excluded them was to be destroyed, even when they had no interest in it. My own wife is very happy to go and have coffee with her own 'mates', and then tells me all the gossip. I have no desire to join her and usually visit the van in the storage park, to muck about. She also keeps throwing me out to visit my 'girlfriend', a steam engine all of 150 years old.
May 21, 2007
Streuth Edd what have you started.

Name the day.Start the topic.Men only to reply.See what happens.Just tell us the date and title and we'll take it from there.
Jul 11, 2005
I new I could rely on one of Franks one liners to get me out of a tight spot!!!!

Some people take life sooooo serious.



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