dont me get started on sexism.
women want to be treated equally and expect the same deals as us, so when we dont hold a door open we are pigs.
women want the same jobs as us yet when they have to lift a heavy box they get a man to do it.
women want to be treated like men but they can hit you and you cant hit them back. (although i hate violence of any sort)
women have their own insurance companies for women drivers, lets see men try that, we would be dragged round the courts.
women get to wear mens clothes, yet whenever we wear womens clothes.... ooer! (not me though, lol)
women say that they are safer drivers and have less crashes, pretty obvious when we have to park and reverse for them.
god, dont get me started on sexism, men are the inferior species for putting up with all this crap.
lets have a mens only forum is a top idea, lets have it for a day until the women boycot it, close it then have their own forum and believe that to be totally acceptable.