Mile versus Kilometre

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Regrettably since the events at Agincourt, Waterloo and Trafalgar the French have had the chip on their shoulders regarding anything concerning Les Angloterres. They will do anything to get one over on us, and I speak as a Brit, not just a Scot, and of course we now have a government determined to sacrifice anything that gives them personally the thrill of receiving a smile from JC. The fact that we had to bail them out again in the 40's just makes them more determined to score points whatever. When will we learn, and fight back? I am happy to abide by the conventions of any country I visit, why should not they???
Jun 29, 2004
The next party political!!!

or you might not have noticed but we joined. The next best thing is to stop wineing and get on with it. If you do not like it work from within to change it, but to sit around bemoneing the fact that we joined is totaly counter productive and plays into the hands of those who wish to lead it.

By the way if you you go back to the begining of this (in norfolk it's called a mardle) you will remember that the mile was a Roman thing. Well if the Italian's can handle change I am !!!! sure I can.

ttfn (should I duck now?)

Norfolk Mike
Mar 14, 2005
This is one of the problems associated with us Brits. The French if they don't agree with something will protest in the loudest and often violent manner possible whereas the Brits have become a nation where we just sit back and let the French and Europe dictate to us and not bother to fight back. It is France and Germany running the EU and the rest have to lump it or like it. Sorry Lutz I hope I do not offend you with the above, it is aimed at the political idiots at both the EU and British government level. If only our parents/grandparents could see the state of this country now - why did they lay down their lives to end up like we are?
Mar 14, 2005
Should we bring back Maggy? It wasn't just us brits that feared her, the rest of the world did!


I agree with the comment regarding 'working from within'. It will probably be the only way to correct the absurdities, however as the 'enemy' will only understand force then the best way is to withdraw all our contributions until they agree to what we wish. After all as second largest donater then I am sure that would have some effect on the fat cats in Brussels, if their lunches dried up. Fat chance of ever seeing Blair and Co ever doing it tho'. Bring back Maggie and her handbag.
Mar 14, 2005
Perhaps it may come as a surprise to some that, even today here in Germany, steel pipes for plumbing are sold in Imperial sizes (copper pipes are metric, though). It was Napoleon who ordered the German states to change to the metric system but he obviously overlooked the plumbing industry.

By the way, can someone enlighten me? Is there any other country in the Commonwealth that has not swapped miles for kilometers? Off hand, I couldn't think of any.


Not Commonwealth, but certainly ex Colony. The USA has most certainly not adopted the kilo-anything, and they do happen to be the world's only superpower. Personally, I would have no problems with changing...provided the EU pays the total cost which is estimated in billions of Pounds.
Mar 14, 2005
Lutz, I recently needed 4ft of skirting. went to the local builders merchants. "sorry sir, we only sell it by the metre" says he. " Ok," says I "two metres please. How much?". "42p per foot" says he. No further comment.
Mar 14, 2005
Joe Public will be called upon to pay the bill just as we were ripped off on decimal currency and the metrication of retail products. The building industry is a classic case of "half and half". All drawing work for Building Regulation approval must now be produced in metric format. Building material such as timber is still imperial eg 4" x 2" sawn, internal doors 6'6" x 2'6". A carpenter is not going to think of an internal door as 1981mm x 720mm. He still uses a 3 feet folding rule in his bib and brace. Copper pipe was 3/4" I.D. and now is specified as 22mm O.D.

Electrical work is another case where the EU are interfearing - at present house wiring is colour coded red - live, black - neutral or return and the earth is not sheathed at all. The new coding will be blue - live, brown - return and green/yellow for neutral. Can you imagine adding new wiring to an existing circuit.



Methinks you have your colours back to front. Brown is live and blue is return, or all our 3 pin plugs are wrongly wired. It must be the beers?
Mar 14, 2005

Methinks you have your colours back to front. Brown is live and blue is return, or all our 3 pin plugs are wrongly wired. It must be the beers?
Not the beer me old mate but the Scottish/Irish necter. Sorry about this little error - I should have known better having worked in the industry all my working life and taught it for the past 25 years. I must stand in the corner with my dunces cap on yet again.
May 4, 2005
Not Commonwealth, but certainly ex Colony. The USA has most certainly not adopted the kilo-anything, and they do happen to be the world's only superpower. Personally, I would have no problems with changing...provided the EU pays the total cost which is estimated in billions of Pounds.
Shouldn't that be Euros


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