Milenco Aluminium Leveller.

May 24, 2014
Wondering what everbodies thoughts are on the Milrnco Aluminium Leveller. I had always used ramps or a bit of board in the past, but on my last caravan, I had an Al-ko secure wheel lock for the first time. I figured it would be easier to line the Al-Ko up, and then level the caravan with the Milenco. In theory, it worked at treat but, as usual, there is always a but......................

When the van was on the Milenco, I used to get creaks and squeaks from the caravan floor, and also found that some drawers and doors were harder to open/close. Same van on a ramp, no problems. Is it therefore reasonable to assume that the leveller puts more starin on the caravan body than it does with one wheel up the ramp. My thoughts are that the ramp is a more natural angle. Cloesly observing the leveller, it appears to push in slightly as well as up.
Feb 3, 2008
In both cases you are lifting a wheel which has a suspension linkage to the axle. Therefore I don't see there should be a difference, and certainly shouldn't affect drawers and doors. I use the leveller on my current van and also used it on the previous van - no problems.

Edit - the leveller may sink into softer ground more or less than a ramp and the van then rests on the steadies a different amount which may cause torsion to the chassis. When I use the leveller I place a steel plate under it to spread the load and stop it sinking.
May 24, 2014
Take your point about sinking, WC, however, Im usually on hardstanding. Im convinced that the leveller (for want of a better descrition) cants in slightly as it goes up, but I agree, that shouldnt make a difference for such a small amount.
The tight doors and drawers are definitely connected to a twisting of the chassis. Just dont get why it happens.
Oct 26, 2007
Hi Thingy
We use the leveller that you mention due to the alko wheel lock, and can't say I've noticed the problems that you have encountered. As far as I can tell, when the van is lifted, it doesn't push towards the wheel on the opposite side but rather lifts it in a gentle arc. Have you tried lifting it slightly higher than needed and then lowering it down to the correct level?
Jacking the van up first and then using the leveller for the last inch or so is easier than lifting the whole van just by the leveller itself. Personal experience on that score!!!



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