Milton v Puriclean

Sep 19, 2007
For years now I have used Milton to clean the water system in the van but have been looking at Puriclean on the internet, the reason being that our water tastes and I thought this product might cure the problem.
It is available in tablet form and a 370gm pack cleans 270 litres. I have two 50L barrels so with this pack size I should be able to clean the system three times. It also states it is safe to use on stainless steel boilers.
One downside is that it has to be left in the system for twelve hours.
Anyone had any experience of using this product and are there any hidden dangers in using it ?
Nov 11, 2009
I don’t think it has to be 12 hours are you sure that the instructions don’t say something up to 12 hours. I’ve used both and not had a problem with after taste with Milton. Are you sure that you are not over dosing or not flushing through afterwards. Did you remove the system filter before sterilising? I now use Puriclens but only leave it in for two hours at the start of the season and same again in autumn. Van is used throughout the year.
Nov 16, 2015
Puriclean , states , leave in the system between 1 and 12 hours depending on water condition, like OC, sterilize the system , maybe twice a year, and remove the filter , if you have one fitted, as if you get the solution too strong it will block the filter.
Sep 19, 2007
Yes you are correct otherclive, it does state up to twelve hours. I definitely always give the system a good flush.and I dispensed with the filter many years ago.. It can`t be the pump as that was new last year. I have inspected the barrels and put my nose in without detecting any problem.
The problem has only arisen this year and I have had the van since new in 1991.
Nov 16, 2015
James, is there one particular site you go to, that gives the water a "taste" . We noticed this when one of our dogs wouldn't drink the water and we then noticed the water had a fairly high chlorine smell. As I tend not to drink a lot of tea or coffee, I never noticed it. Had to buy bottled water for the dogs.
Sep 19, 2007
We don`t visit any one site on a regular basis, in fact last year only once did we visit one particular site twice.
Nov 16, 2015
I know you can get a special aqua roll filter, this might helvp.
Mar 14, 2005
JamesH said:
For years now I have used Milton to clean the water system in the van but have been looking at Puriclean on the internet, the reason being that our water tastes and I thought this product might cure the problem.
It is available in tablet form and a 370gm pack cleans 270 litres. I have two 50L barrels so with this pack size I should be able to clean the system three times. It also states it is safe to use on stainless steel boilers.
One downside is that it has to be left in the system for twelve hours.
Anyone had any experience of using this product and are there any hidden dangers in using it ?

Hello James,
There can be a number of reasons for water to have a taste, and overdosing with cleaner could be one of them, but it is more likely to something else. I don't know how old your caravan is but if it's from the 1990's there is a possibility the problem might be the pipes themselves. A number of vans from that period were fitted with flexible pipes that not been manufactured correctly and the chemical used to try and keep the pipes flexible tainted the water. Most folk described it as tasting of TCP. The only way to prevent t his was to change the pipes.

When it comes to cleaning always follow the manufacturer's instructions.


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