
Apr 25, 2016
Re the article in the CMC Magazine re Mirrors,
Do I need to use extra mirrors even though I have a camera on the rear of the caravan which gives me a much better view than any mirror?
Jun 26, 2017

Furthermore, does the camera mounted on the rear of your caravan provide a view of the areas adjacent to each side of your caravan, or any vehicles which may be alongside ?
Feb 23, 2018
To quote Prof from this post: https://www.practicalcaravan.com/forum/equipment-accessories/56524-milenco-aero-3-mirrors-for-2016-nissan-qashqai

The present legislation requires that when the outfit is set straight, from the driving position you must be able to see in each mirror, the entire length of the trailers side, and at a distance of 20M to the rear of the driver you must be able to from see an additional 4M to either side of the trailer. It doesn't specifically state you have to have additional mirrors, but there are very few towing vehicles that are wide enough to achieve the required view without additional mirrors.

I can't see how a rear-view camera's field-of-view would cover the side of your caravan.
Oct 12, 2013
My pet hate !

Seeing someone towing a caravan without extension mirrors on really makes me mad . Its not the first time I've said it before on here ! :angry:
Jun 20, 2005
If you can’t see my mirrors I can’t see you proves the point. Amazes me why anyone wouldn’t follow the elementary idiot proof guide. The Prof’s link says it all!!
Oct 12, 2013
Agree with dusty & good link also Prof .
I once lost my nearside mirror (left-hand side) on the A19 whilst on way back to the storage yard where we keep our caravan so I had no chance of retrieving it doing 6o mile an hour when it came off so for about 2o minutes I drove with no choice back to the yard and I would not like to be without 2 !
Get them on !!!
May 7, 2012
I have to agree with the others. You need to see down the sides of the caravan so a camera on the back is not going to comply.
Having lost one mirror on the road and had one break when I went to fit it I now carry spares just in case.
Nov 11, 2009
ProfJohnL said:
Thank you CA for referencing my earlier posting, but the more relevant part you missed out.

The diagram contained within this address:-

shows the area that as a driver you are required to have a view of. A rear mounted camera cannot fulfil the legal requirement.

Thank you Prof, but other than buying Reich electrical mirrors I’ve never been able to comply with Lifesures “mirrors must be able to be adjusted from the drivers seat”!

The other big advantage that mirrors have over a camera is that they don’t rely on electrical contacts or devices to function. However the two safety aids are complimentary
Jun 20, 2005
otherclive said:
ProfJohnL said:
Thank you CA for referencing my earlier posting, but the more relevant part you missed out.

The diagram contained within this address:-

shows the area that as a driver you are required to have a view of. A rear mounted camera cannot fulfil the legal requirement.

Thank you Prof, but other than buying Reich electrical mirrors I’ve never been able to comply with Lifesures “mirrors must be able to be adjusted from the drivers seat”!

The other big advantage that mirrors have over a camera is that they don’t rely on electrical contacts or devices to function. However the two safety aids are complimentary
There is a lesson here as many of us have said, including the Prof. Do not trust a third party site :woohoo: :woohoo:
There is no way my extended mirrors can both be adjusted from the drivers seat...........
Oct 12, 2013
Dustydog said:
otherclive said:
ProfJohnL said:
Thank you CA for referencing my earlier posting, but the more relevant part you missed out.

The diagram contained within this address:-

shows the area that as a driver you are required to have a view of. A rear mounted camera cannot fulfil the legal requirement.

Thank you Prof, but other than buying Reich electrical mirrors I’ve never been able to comply with Lifesures “mirrors must be able to be adjusted from the drivers seat”!

The other big advantage that mirrors have over a camera is that they don’t rely on electrical contacts or devices to function. However the two safety aids are complimentary
There is a lesson here as many of us have said, including the Prof. Do not trust a third party site :woohoo: :woohoo:
There is no way my extended mirrors can both be adjusted from the drivers seat...........

Mine can ; it's called get the wife to do it :lol: :p
Jul 18, 2017
By law are you allowed to view a video while travelling i.e. a rear mounted camera? Surely it would be the same as if watching a DVD
Mar 14, 2005
Buckman said:
By law are you allowed to view a video while travelling i.e. a rear mounted camera? Surely it would be the same as if watching a DVD

I don't understand this comment, can you expand a little please.
Jul 18, 2017
ProfJohnL said:
Buckman said:
By law are you allowed to view a video while travelling i.e. a rear mounted camera? Surely it would be the same as if watching a DVD

I don't understand this comment, can you expand a little please.

What part of watching a rear mounted camera don't you understand?
Sep 29, 2016

Quote removed

EH !!!!

First bad and unnecessary reply of 2019.

Well done Buckman.
Mar 14, 2005
Buckman said:
ProfJohnL said:
Buckman said:
By law are you allowed to view a video while travelling i.e. a rear mounted camera? Surely it would be the same as if watching a DVD

I don't understand this comment, can you expand a little please.

Part Quote Removed

Hello Buckman,

You state its permissible to view a video while travelling and I assume your reference to to the rear mounted camera means the "video" is the live rear view, But how is that the same as watching a DVD? Drivers are not allowed to watch recorded material, or images (moving or otherwise) not related to the control or motion of the vehicle in which you are driving.

So can you please explain your comment so I can understand the point you are trying to make.
Jun 20, 2005
It is illegal to use your mobile phone as a navigation aid. A number of people have been prosecuted. Google it!
Apr 7, 2008
Dustydog said:
It is illegal to use your mobile phone as a navigation aid. A number of people have been prosecuted. Google it!

I just did ;)

Using a phone as a sat-nav: the law

It is no excuse to say you’re simply following the mapping on your hand-held device and that's why you've picked it up. The mobile phone law specifically refers to this, stating it is illegal to use a hand-held mobile to follow a map.

But ....

If you wish to use smartphone navigation or a mapping app, fix the phone to the windscreen or dashboard, so it’s in clear view for use while driving (but not obstructing your view), without requiring you to hold or interact with it.

More can be found in the link below.

Jun 20, 2005
Thanks Steve,
Always good to hear from you. The Black Bull is still one of our favourites!
Jul 18, 2017
I am not sure why my comment was removed as John asked a question and I was unsure what he was asking about as I thought my previous post made perfect sense and one would realise that I was referring to the rear view camera? IMHO I thought John's response was rather rude, but obviously it was not. If we had been face to face then there would have been no issue. I notice that the moderator has not removed your comment so I guess the moderator has taken a dislike to myself.
Oct 12, 2013
Iest said:
Re the article in the CMC Magazine re Mirrors,
Do I need to use extra mirrors even though I have a camera on the rear of the caravan which gives me a much better view than any mirror?

I read the article last night and in the same piece it also says every vehicle must have additional extension mirrors to see clearly passed their unit .
Mar 14, 2005
Craigyoung said:
Iest said:
Re the article in the CMC Magazine re Mirrors,
Do I need to use extra mirrors even though I have a camera on the rear of the caravan which gives me a much better view than any mirror?

I read the article last night and in the same piece it also says every vehicle must have additional extension mirrors to see clearly passed their unit .

The law only requires the prescribed field of view, it does not specify you MUST have extension mirrors to achieve it.

But because most cars are considerably narrower than caravans, they will most likely need extensions to meet the requirements.
May 7, 2012
I agree that extended mirrors are not required if you can see clearly down both sides of the caravan without them. This would be very rare though involving a wider than average car and probably a narrower caravan.
With the 8ft caravans now appearing, it is very doubtful anything will be able to tow these without extended mirrors, and you will often need the longer extended ones available. This is possibly something you need to check if you buy one of these caravans.
Feb 23, 2018
Some quick research shows that even a Range Rover or a Discovery (the largest passenger cars I could think of) were not wider with the door mirrors unfolded than a 7'5" (2250mm) wide caravan. Range Rover: 2220mm (Discovery same), My XC60 for reference: 2120mm. The only vehicle with mirrors wider than this caravan would be a Transit van (2474mm).


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