All of the points raised on here regarding mirrors are good sound points that back up or query the current laws, all of this is all well and good but I am not the only person who will have regularly seen people with no mirrors fitted who disregard the law and obviously get away with it and without a doubt will continue to get away with it, more and more often things like mirrors, speed cameras not actually being switched on, calls to the police being ignored etc etc etc all are giving rise to people becoming less law abiding when they see fit, people often don’t abide by laws because they agree but rather abide because they don’t want to get nicked and get points on their license and a fine, I’d be surprised if the likelihood of getting nicked for no mirrors was any more likely than winning the lottery, until people start getting nicked for these types of offence it’s going to become more and more the norm. I read recently some police forces now have none of their cameras switched on, the only reason they still have deterrent value is because we don’t know which ones are on, but more and more there’s a bag over the camera saying not in use, it’s gonna be a long time to get the police forces suitably financed in my opinion.