Paul, as far as I'm aware the Golf's a great towcar, especially with the diesel engine. It's got a short rear overhang from the back axle to the rear bumper which helps to reduce pitching. Two vital things to check - your car's kerbweght and permissable noseweight downthrust (the weight a 'van will exert onto the tow ball). Then look for a 'van within 85% of the car's kerbweight and check the noseweight with the dealer. Go on a Caravan Club towing course - they're very useful and some ins co.s will give a bit of discount on your 'van's insurance. We bought our 1st 'van when we were about your age, 20 years later we're now on our 4th and the kids still want to come with us! (18,19,21) One further tip, if you haven't already bought it, get your towbar from an independent fitter (yellow pages)they tend to be much cheaper than franchised dealers and are probably supplying the same thing anyway. Have a great time!