Mar 14, 2005
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I think the posting headed Forum Poll is over stepping the realms of a non political forum and could be tantamount to racism. I therefore think that given the present day political climate situation it should be removed.
Mar 14, 2005
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It's called free speech, sorry if the "politically correct" brigade don't like it.

It seems to me that one part of the population can say what they like, and the rest of us had better shut up, or we are "racist".
Mar 14, 2005
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I would not consider myself as racist in any way - I have worked with and taught many foreign people and in 99% of the cases have enjoyed their company. What I am saying is that I think that this subject is just a bit too sensative to be discussed on this, a so-called, non political forum and is a hot potato for the politicians. I am not Labour but I do admire Mr Blair's attempt to curb terroerism (although it would appear that the horse has already bolted). If you consider the problems in France and the arrests made today in Australia I can fully understand any measure taken which would help to stem this problem.
Jan 19, 2008
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Colin I find your request to the Moderator amazing in retrospect. Do you think that your statement "given the present day political climate situation" and discussing whether it is correct to allow 90 days or not will lead to convert more terrorists to their cause. Even the BBC who professes to be PC allows debate on the subject -
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B I will agree that the BBC have discussed this topic on numerous occassions. However the BBC is reputed to be a non politically influencing media which is there to inform and entertain the general public no matter what cread, colour or religion. This forum is a caravan and related matters forum and not here to discuss political issues. I have not mentioned at any time whether the discussion will convert more terrorists to their cause, all I feel is that there is a time and place for every thing and I feel that this is not the time or place to discuss this matter.

Please do not feel that I am having a go at you having introduced this posting. I hope that, although in this instance I disagree with you, it will not spoil what I consider a harmonious friendly relationship between your good self and me.
Jan 19, 2008
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Not at all Brian, I certainly don't feel that way.You have your points of view and are perfectly entitled to voice them. If the members of the forum or the powers that be decide it's not the right place so be it. I think it was craig asked for a debating forum which we haven't got yet so I posted this topic under Chit Chat - non caravan related issues just to guage how many agree with the 90 days just from my own interest. I certainly didn't wont a debate on the history of world terrorism or its causes. No Colin, take more than that to upset me ;O)
Jan 19, 2008
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I thought I was in PC Forum
Damien look at the Heading it was posted under m8, - Chit-chat

For non-caravan issues: jokes, trivia, gossip - if you want sink drainers look under - Equipment & accessories

Swap advice about that essential piece of kit ;O)
Aug 31, 2005
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This is nothing to do with racism, religion etc. Reasonable free speach is something to be protected NOT stamped out. LB has raised this discussion in the correct place and those that do not wish to participate may leave. This is democracy. How else can we discuss and debate issues????

Mar 16, 2005
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The Chit Chat forum was added to allow people to discuss non caravanning issues if they wish - within reason.

The topic Forum Poll is a vaid current issue and the posts so far don't appear racist to me.
Mar 14, 2005
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Well said Mr Moderator.

In my opinion, Phoney B-Liar is at the forefront of the abolition of free speech and the destruction of British life as we knew it.

What a guy!!!
Apr 11, 2005
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If you see some thing you do not thing shunt be on this forum. You do not have to read all just stop if you do not like it and stop going back to it.

Mar 14, 2005
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Two points

a) Having dealt with a Local Authority that is so politically correct it is stupid - e.g. I was told off for asking for my Coffee "white" - they wanted me to say "with milk" and black coffee was "without milk" - I can honestly say that I believe those that do not support the 90 day are of the same ilk as those silly Politically Correct wallys who want to ensure that the perpetrators of such hideous acts have the same rights as their innocent victims.

I do not think I am alone in having a problem with that.

b) The Police are dealing with a highly sophisticated network that is well funded and able to use modern technology to "hide". When you think about it how can 14 days POSSIBLY be enough to gather evidence when the perpetrators took years to put things in place. As for why 90 days - the UK's Chief Police Officer has asked for it - we have to trust someone - I do not trust the politicians OR those Politically Correct idiots that believe an innocent life is worth less than the rights of a terrorist.
Jan 19, 2008
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The media are responsible in a lot of cases for turning the publics attention away from certain issues to ones they choose. Take the case of the Brazilian boy, Jean Charles Mendenez. It was a terrible mistake agreed but the media dragged that incident out for at least 2 months. The parents and the other 100 members of his family were followed everywhere hardly having chance to go to the toilet without sitting on a tv camera. Those poor innocent people of all creeds and religions who were blown to smithereens and lets not forget the injured who were scarred for life mentally as well as physically, how much t.v. coverage did they get. A few days and then they were forgotten about.
Nov 2, 2005
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I think voicing opinions on this or any subject is good.

I think 90 days is a start if not longer in more complicated cases.

As one who has children caught up in this event (I cannot use specifics here) where the danger is great, information is vital to the safety of all, therefore it is not just a case of time, but also manpower which is sadly lacking.
Mar 14, 2005
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In my line of work Pc correctness is a nightmare.Its like treading on broken glass when dealing with Ethnic minorities,illegal immigrants etc.

You have to be so aware of what you say and how you say it for fear of getting it wrong.

There is even a separate procedure to follow,certain words not to be used etc,although no such procedure when dealing with anyone else.

Religious and eating habits have to be met,if not we are in serious trouble,while Joe Bloggs gets burger and chips and better like it.

I am not racist or I would not be in my job but I do believe..when in Rome..!!!

I do not go abroad and complain about the food,culture,customs etc.I accept that I am in someones elses country and try to fit in and enjoy the differences.

I have travelled all over and been to some very poor countries and seen some strange customs but I don't want to change them or try to understand them,I just accept them as being different.
Mar 21, 2005
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I agree with your comments 100% john.b. This country is surely the laughing stock of the rest of the world. We are such a push-over when it comes to pandering to the whims and demands of "visitors" to this country. They must be laughing all the way to the benefits office!

Like you say, when we visit other countries, we don't demand special treatment. You are in another country with a different culture so you abide by their laws and if you don't like it you don't go there. It's a pity this country doesn't have the guts to say the same instead of trying to score political points and be the rest of the world's "best friend".

If foreigners don't like the way our country works then should bl***y well go back where they came from and I don't apologise if anyone thinks that is un-PC. Tough.
Mar 14, 2005
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to pick up on something you said,I have a relation in America who works with one of the Law enforcement agencies.

Apparently although America has suffered some shameful attacks from terrorists,the word is that UK is seen as the softer target,meaning that it is easier to strike in the Uk and not just because it is closer to the rest of europe.

They reckon if anyone wants illegal entry for unlawful purposes,its as easy as you or I getting on a plane to say London.
Apr 11, 2005
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I,m certainly not racist but am definately FOR equality, why are we not allowed to fly our flag in case of offence, but can bulldoze parks to build mosques? why when my daughter at school is called "fat c*w" by an asian is that "playground stuff" yet to say anything back is racial abuse and worthy of double the punishment?

The country has lost the plot, it is petrified of bieng racist to the point where like Janey1 says we are a laughing stock and we are being taken advantage of.
Nov 2, 2005
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I found your PC interesting.

If my hubby cannot drink coofee black and I cannot drink tea white anymore.

What colour is my caravan? Is there a PC colour we should be aware of? Mine is cream but I do like the white ones better.

We were talking tonight about tea and crumpet and trying to decide if it was PC if a female were invited. I don't know what one would call a crumpet but a crumpet.

Was it that bad in your job?
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Smiley

Thankfully I was not employed by that particular London Council - just advising them on certain issues. As a Businessman who knows the financial facts of life I am truly staggered that we allow Local Councils to spend money as they do. Some individuals have the idea that certain "things" must be done and have no idea of the cost. They simply spend because we the ratepayer will always provide.

If you want to be shocked - ask how much of your local council budget actually goes on providing the RPI linked guaranteed pensions for retired Council Workers. In one case I came across it was 35%. So that means that only 65p in the
Nov 2, 2005
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My hubby is a civil engineer and has always said if the government/councils, had to run themselves as independant construction company' they would certainly be bankrupt.


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