Moor View Touring Park Modbury /South Devon

Mar 14, 2005
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We are hoping to try this site in Sept.From what I have seen of the web-site and brochure it looks very nice.has anyone been there and can comment ?
Mar 14, 2005
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My wife and I have visited south Devon many times but have not come across this site. Any information and directions/web page would be very much appreciated for a change.


Sorry, don;t know it. I have been to both the CC and C&CC sites at Modbury and found both excellent. One (CC_ quieter than the other, but the C&CC site had the pub along the road.
Dec 16, 2003
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My family live near by and we staid there last year!

I have to say this is the worst site I've ever had the misfortune to stay at.

I would describe the owners as "yuppie good life" city folk who have seen a money making opportunity to get them away from the city. The site was pricy for what it offered and had so many rules it was a joke, it would appear that the owners plan is to not employ staff, so buckets are left for the guests to clean the wash rooms and showers. The reception only seemed to be open when it suited the owner and his wife who love there own kids! but no longer welcome anyone elses!

We have camped so many places but these fools made us and others feel we were an inconvenience, only our money was wanted!

Don't get me wrong, the site is neat and tidy and clean but the owners are just so so fussy and prissy it makes a stay very very uncomfortable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are the people who sell the EXPENSIVE screw in pegs, no doubt another way to fleece the caravnning set with the "fixed professional" smile as they grab your money.

If this sort of adult only site appeals to you approach it from the A38 dual carriageway as the road from Modbury is single file in a number of places and a problem if you meet oncoming traffic.

No doubt some love he site, but we and others experienced vanners we met there will not be going back!

ps. Just flown in from Spain due to my father being very ill :-(
Mar 14, 2005
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Cris,I am really sorry that your father is very ill,but thankyou for taking the time to respond to my question.I will now have to have a rethink about our plans.

Thanks again.
Mar 14, 2005
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My wife and I have visited south Devon many times but have not come across this site. Any information and directions/web page would be very much appreciated for a change.

After reading Cris' remarks,I don't know whether we shall go there.However,the web-site is as follows:-
Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry, don;t know it. I have been to both the CC and C&CC sites at Modbury and found both excellent. One (CC_ quieter than the other, but the C&CC site had the pub along the road.
Hi Scotch Lad from the Edinburgh end !!Many thanks for your response.Going to rethink our plans.
Dec 16, 2003
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Moorview has wonderful views, and is a terraced kind of site.

We like nice quiet well run sites with good behaviour, but also like value for money and service. I, my wife and grown up daughter had independent conversations with others whilst at Moorview about the OVER THE TOP rules with signs with rules and requests every where you turned. It became a sad joke with fellow vanners.

Wiping your feet and keeping the washroom facilities respectable is surely something we all do. Buckets of disinfected water to clean the showers after you used it and another to clean the washromm floor and being instructed how to use it is not what we and others expected on a paying holiday.

Facilities are cleaned, but we and others felt we were an inconvenience. Reading the Moorview web site booking information page gives a clue to what the owners are like with the way the page is worded.

You can guarantee that the oh so twee "good life" owners will be around to check that your TV or radio is not in the Awning and that you have parked with military precision!

We don't travel with radio or TV, but in over thirty years of campsites, Moorview is the one we would never ever return to as we and others felt so uncomfortable and only a source for quick money.

No doubt some love the place, but we prefer a GENUINE welcome and a little GENUINE friendly service when paying for services.

An elderly retired head teacher said to my wife that the site owners problem was that people wanted to park their vans on the site and stay and use them :)
Mar 14, 2005
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My wife and I recced the site last year and were very impressed. In a lovely are looking out over southern Dartmoor. Has all the attributes of an "Adult Only" site, and nicely laid out on a gently sloping hillside. Has full service pitches and the folk running it are most hospitable and welcoming.

The approach from the A38 is a little bit hairy ie quite narrow road but with plenty of passing places.

We hope to go there in September this year.

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Vic,

We hope to be there from approx.17th sept to 1st should be able to introduce ourselves! My daughter is staying in the area in June and is also going to do a recce for us.Let's try to contact each other nearer the time.
Mar 14, 2005
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We have visited Moor View on many occasions over the past few years and would normally be unlikely to respond to a query regarding a touring site that I find exceptionally good, the thinking being that I would prefer to keep the best things to myself, but on this occasion I have to respond to the posts by cris, on the basis that he or she not only is derogatory about the site (fair enough ) but to call a hard working couple of LOCAL site owners as "fools" and "yuppie good lifes" is at best discourteous and worst downright untrue.

We have always found them courteous,hard working and interested in what they do. Far from being overpriced they give discount to previous visitors and over 60's. I have never heard anyone criticising them or the site when I have been there, which is a fair number of times, in fact , every time we go there are more vanners taking seasonable pitches . Which, I suggest, speaks volumes about the owners and their site.

A mop and bucket laid on in the shower area is normal practise these days, and most sites now adopt this procedure, What would you like,Cris, someone standing by so as to mop up after you as step out of the shower?? Sure , we will have a 24 hour shower mopper on site, so your feet dont get wet as you step in!!!,

Get yourself a pair of flipflops, and a quick mop up after your shower is no big deal .

As to Kids, we rarely see the owners' , we go to this site so as not to be plagued by irresponsible owners' offspring running riot around the site. It suits us,and everyone else that we meet on this site. Please dont denegrate genuine and responsible site owners like this , unless of course you are the vistor that has a radio/tv on too loud in the awning , or object to cleaning up after yourself (as you would expect a dog-owner to). We have seen little evidence of over-the-top instructions around the site. (But I have been to sites where this is VERY evident).

Every one has his or her idea of a good site, but please be fair and factual before slagging off a site like this.
Dec 16, 2003
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Trevor. I stand by what I said and also quote what I posted below

"No doubt some love the place, but we prefer a GENUINE welcome and a little GENUINE friendly service when paying for services"

My family and I respect the facilities at any site we visit, and as we like it quiet in our own van and awning so have never travelled with TV or Radio or any music players for over twenty years, and that is with and without our children.

Comment was made TO my wife daughter and I by other visitors to the site as I said. We got the "welcome etc" from the owners, over the years dealing with people I and others consider me a very good judge of character and of who is genuine!

In over thirty years of campsites the welcome and how the site was run is the worse I have come across due to the manner of the owners.

I have nothing against the people and the site has some very nice attributes, but we and OTHERS there at the same time as us came to the same conclusions I've expressed, and I've had the same sort of comments from others with no prompting!!!!!!!!!!

Takes all sorts to make the world go round, so good luck to Moorview and those that can live with it.
Mar 14, 2005
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I can only speak from our experience of Moorview and of the views of others we have spoken to, both at Moorview and during discussions whilst camping elsewhere. We find the site to be perfect for our requirements; 'Adult only' means we are camping with other like minded people, mostly like us that have done the 'kids thing' and enjoyed it immensely, but now prefer a bit of peace and a holiday without the inevitable noise levels that accompany children. I too have been around a bit Cris and also consider myself to be a shrewd judge of people and I think the site owners are genuine people trying to make a living in a very difficult industry (trying to keep 'Joe Public' happy)

Thank goodness we are all different, it would be a very boring world otherwise but I think you are being a trifle over critical in your comments and not the least slightly offensive in your attack on the owners. Personal comments like "fixed professional" smile : "yuppie good life" and calling them 'fools' is quite derogatory and in my opinion totally untrue and gives Maureen a false impression of what the site and the owners are really like.

Mildly difficult access roads for the caravan but nothing to deter most competent towers, brilliant views once on site, excellent well maintained facilities, friendly but not intrusive owners who are always on call with the site free telephone system, lovely countryside with lots to do & see.

Blimey Maureen I could go on forever. You go and see for yourself I'm sure you wont regret it and you'll enjoy Devon hospitality at its best, even if it is from 'city folk' trying to make an honest living out of us porr caravanners!!
Mar 14, 2005
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I can only speak from our experience of Moorview and of the views of others we have spoken to, both at Moorview and during discussions whilst camping elsewhere. We find the site to be perfect for our requirements; 'Adult only' means we are camping with other like minded people, mostly like us that have done the 'kids thing' and enjoyed it immensely, but now prefer a bit of peace and a holiday without the inevitable noise levels that accompany children. I too have been around a bit Cris and also consider myself to be a shrewd judge of people and I think the site owners are genuine people trying to make a living in a very difficult industry (trying to keep 'Joe Public' happy)

Thank goodness we are all different, it would be a very boring world otherwise but I think you are being a trifle over critical in your comments and not the least slightly offensive in your attack on the owners. Personal comments like "fixed professional" smile : "yuppie good life" and calling them 'fools' is quite derogatory and in my opinion totally untrue and gives Maureen a false impression of what the site and the owners are really like.

Mildly difficult access roads for the caravan but nothing to deter most competent towers, brilliant views once on site, excellent well maintained facilities, friendly but not intrusive owners who are always on call with the site free telephone system, lovely countryside with lots to do & see.

Blimey Maureen I could go on forever. You go and see for yourself I'm sure you wont regret it and you'll enjoy Devon hospitality at its best, even if it is from 'city folk' trying to make an honest living out of us porr caravanners!!
Porr?----- should read poor. Get excited when I'm typing!
Mar 14, 2005
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FAO Trevor & Gooner

Many thanks to both of you for your responses to my question about Moor View.

I am now able to make a much more balanced decision about this site.
Dec 16, 2003
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Good luck to the owners of Moorview and their "style" as said.

To clarify we first went for a short on route stay two years ago as Devon is my true home County I guess, and my famlily live there.

At that time the site excepted Children (my youngest is 22 my wife and I were alone apart from dogs which were well catered for)but we did not feel at ease with the owners and how the site was run/presented. My wife is in the teaching proffession so can spot good child behaviour, during the short stay we saw evidence that made us think that children were not that welcome apart from our other personal reservations about the site that we had given a "second chance".

Last year our time there was with our proffessional executive daughter of 24, and I have mentioned what happened then.

By last year the site had become Adult only which has no real effect on me all though I find it a little sad!

I feel that the site was looking for a NICHE customer base, others that spoke to us felt apart from reservations about the sites management that there was distinct "them and us clique" of "regulars".

In my home county I felt sorry that others felt that way apart from our own feelings and conclusions. What the site offers is a nice setting and some good, but basic clean facilities.

From an HR point of view, at best the management need to learn some extra people skills and how to express what they want and their rules in a simple straight manner.

The owners would be the last people I would employ to "meet and greet".

Sorry, this site is not "for everybody" and never have I felt so un at ease in any sort of holiday venue.

In Ireland last year we kept comparing to what we had experienced at Moorview the year before and then when we returned and went to Moorview for the second time, and will leave it to others.


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