A litle OT, but never mind.....
Years ago, heading East out of Wales, traffic in outer lane, nose to tail, all doing 80mph We passed a broken-down camper van (old Commer with narrow front track) PARKED ON THE CENTRE RESERVATION. We pulled into the next service station, and luckily found a police car. The driver said it was the first he'd heard of it, and would go and take a look.
And now I've started ..... one dark rainy night, driving on my Toc-H headlamps, having just crossed the Severn Bridge into England, I glimpsed - just - a raised thumb begging for a lift. The white face looked about 12 years old. That is all I saw, a face and a thumb. I caled it in at the next phone box.
A finally, my mate Mike Worthington Williams was driving his 1920 Austin Heavy 12 up the M4 at night, falling snow, when the police stopped him. "We saw your semaphore indicators, but don't think the Porsche driver did. Do you think it sensible .....?" They were amazed to learn this was Mike's only car, but he said they were fairly polite, and he didn't think they recognised him. Mike is a well known classic car journalist. Whatever, he dragged his car into the 20th century, very soon after, fitted flashers.. Also bought himself a ""Male Menopause", aks Ford Capri.